What do I take out?!?!

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 7, 2013, 4:05 a.m. by Trevorlb21

My deck, I'm going to do whatever it takes to gain Control, is an american control deck that I'm really enjoying using so far. it really does work well in my current meta and is really good in this format in general. Anyway, I got some advice tonight from a really good player who ran virtually the same deck as mine a month ago or so. His main suggestions for me were to run one more augur, sphinx's rev, and turn burn, but I'm not sure about any of those suggestions, because I really like Boros Reckoner a ton. One suggestion he did make though that I liked a lot was to run 2 or 3 Terminus in the main board, giving me 6 or 7 board wipes. I like the idea of it, but I'm not sure what to take out. Can you help? thanks

Slycne says... #2

It's really hard to make calls since a lot of the changes are going to be incredible meta dependent. 6-7 sweepers, for instance, might be too many in some cases. Going in blind, I would cut Dispel and Boros Charm first as I think they are the least flexible or do the least for you.

Dispel is most useful for fighting in mirror matches and such. It's otherwise practically a dead card in some match-ups. A normal counter is already pretty bad against say aggro, but at least it will stop a creature coming down. Are you really going to say bother Dispel ing a Searing Spear ? Will that win you some games, sure, but those other cards would likely win you more games overall.

Boros Charm seems much to narrow. Short of AEtherling nothing in your board gets enough power to use double-strike, and if you have an AEtherling out with mana to pump it your winning that game likely. So that mode is at best win-more. With only 10 creatures indestructible is pretty useless, and most of your creatures are protecting themselves with flash or AEtherling . If you're running it for the Boros Reckoner infinite life combo that seems really not worth it when you're talking about a 3 card combo of all 2 ofs. And lastly, going to the dome is so rarely relevant for you. First step needs to be stabilizing, if you're burning someone out the game will have gone late enough for the mana cost to be pretty marginally relevant, so something like another Warleader's Helix would do the same job better.

July 7, 2013 4:49 a.m.

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