What do take out???
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 9, 2013, 2:24 a.m. by Trevorlb21
I just built a deck that I like a lot already: Nosferatu Hates the Light. I was inspired by the success of my modern deck they want to suck you blood to build a standard vampires deck. I would need about one hundred dollars to complete it, but I think that it's a very awesome deck. My question is, what 4 cards do I take out to get to sixty, and though the main board is already very anti-control and quite anti-aggro, I was wondering what else I could do with the sideboard to make it better. Thanks for all of your help. I hope you like the deck.
Trevorlb21 says... #3
and the title of this should say what do I take out... I think I must be tired or something
Trevorlb21 says... #2
they want to suck your blood. my bad on the typo. it's my other vampire deck. it's pretty good too.
July 9, 2013 2:25 a.m.