What is wring with this gruul deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 1, 2014, 10:57 a.m. by InnerFlame

There Is Nothing But Gruul!

Hey guys, I've been trying to make a standard(hopefully not in the wrong forum) gruul/green monsters deck and it's been struggling. I know I can be really critical at times, but I am open to any and all options now.

Right now I think my deck is stuck between a swarm deck and a monsters deck...I'm not sure.

I know I need Stormbreath Dragon , but should it be my top priority? Are there any other cards I should take out or put in? Should I switch some stuff between my main board and side board? Is Zhur-Taa Druid really that bad?

InnerFlame says... #2


March 1, 2014 11:03 a.m.

trentfaris242 says... #3

You seem to be lacking solid win conditions. Most Gruul decks rely on 4 Polukranos, World Eater and 4 Stormbreath Dragon as their main win condition. You're only running 2 Polukranos, World Eater and 2 Kalonian Hydra (which doesn't synergize with anything else in this deck, by the way) for your win conditions.

TL;DR - Get bigger guys.

March 1, 2014 12:10 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #4

Oh People run 2 Stormbreath Dragon s. I was thinking 2 but 4 sounds better lol. But yeah I know what you're saying. Should I take out some of my other big guys to add in two or just add them in and take out like Lightning Strike or Zhur-Taa Druid

I think I need to figure out how to use Polukranos, World Eater better. I'm not totally sure how to use him yet. I just know I like him. is Kalonian Hydra bad?

What would you run four of?

March 1, 2014 12:15 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #5

Or what if I add 2 Kalonian Hydra s and run 4 of them? they would be nasty mixed with Xenagod.

March 1, 2014 2:03 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #6

The dragon is just that much better. He is an initial threat (haste), has some protection (white), and has the evasion (flying). The hydra is ok, he has trample, but waits a whole turn before working it. By the time you are attacking with an 8/8 hydra, the dragon could be made monstrous attack for 7, already attacked for 4, and deal extra damage to the opponent.

I would not run the hydra in your deck. I do not like the druid either. I would rather have 2 Sylvan Caryatid in place of the 4 druids. Then that would give you space for 3 each of the big guys.

March 1, 2014 2:52 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #7

Have you thought about trading on the site before?

March 1, 2014 2:53 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #8

Didgeridooda Unless I have Xenagos, God of Revels out. IN which case, he is swinging for 8 his turn out.

I have seen a few decks that run Sylvan Caryatid . I just never put much thought into him since he was a defender. I have been told I need to take out the Zhur-Taa Druid s so I probably will. I just liked them cause they burned too.

And no, I have not considered trading on the site. I really don;t have that much extra stuff anyways.

March 1, 2014 3:31 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #9

That is ok I just wanted you to know that if you did, there is alot of standard cards floating around on here.

One thing about big monster decks, is 1 damage is really no big deal. Xenagos, God of Revels is insane. That guy is just so great. Make an EDH deck with him too.

March 1, 2014 5:16 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #10

Didgeridooda actually, Kalonian Hydra would be swinging for 12? right?

I've actually never gotten into EDH...lame, I know.

March 1, 2014 5:22 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #11

Also, is it ok to only be running one set of mana ramp creatures in here?

March 1, 2014 5:23 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #12

How 12? He comes in to play as a 4/4, then the next turn when he attacks he becomes an 8/8. Unless you were talking with the got out. I was talking them by them self. What they bring to the table alone. If you have the god out, then that is a different story. I think the dragon is a better stand alone option. There is alot of removal out there, and you are only running 2 copies of the god. You can not be so sure that you will get him every time. I am just not as big of a fan of the hydra. The dragon seems plenty powerful to me.

I play alot of removal so I tend to think what would I rather not face. The hydra is much easier for me to deal with, so that is why I think the dragon is better.

March 1, 2014 5:44 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #13

Yeah I was talking about with the god out. But no, You're completely right. I would love to have the dragon and he's way better than the hydra when playing control.. Honestly though, I would probably run both. One puts on preassure so you can play the other, and they both are two different style.

March 1, 2014 5:52 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #14

That would not be bad, it is a really good card.

March 1, 2014 6:12 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #15

Well hey, I appreciate all the help

March 1, 2014 6:13 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #16

Sounds like you really like him though, what about replacing the boon saytr or the arbor giant?

March 1, 2014 6:19 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #17

I really do lol. Yeah both of those would be reasonable. The Arbor Colossus more since he cost more mana

March 1, 2014 6:20 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #18

I'd keep the Zhur-Taa Druid 's. Used to use myself, people would actually use up their removal on them. I took them out because my deck is jund, and he only gives green mana, half the time I needed red or black.

Did i replace him with a 0/3 defender in my blitz deck, pfff, no.

March 1, 2014 6:24 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #19

You should be careful on how many 5-drops you run, too many and you'll need a lot more lands and mana dorks to make it play well.

March 1, 2014 6:24 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #20

Yeah, The five drops really worry me. I'm going to have to sideboard a lot of them.

March 1, 2014 6:26 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #21

just ordered two Stormbreath Dragon s. Two is all I can afford right now :/

March 1, 2014 6:31 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #22

In my deck:

Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg

Before BNG came out, i had 3 Kalonian Hydra 's and 2 Stormbreath Dragon 's, which was a nice number, but whilst pre-ordering my 2 xXenagos, God of Revels I took the plunge and bought another two stormbreaths. (for like almost half price of the originals), I had to cut the hydra out, replacing him with Flame-Wreathed Phoenix .

Running 9 five-drops would have been problematic for a 22 land deck.

March 1, 2014 6:31 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #23

Schuesseled:I mean that pheaonix is wonderful so lol I wouldn;t have a problem with it if I were you lol.

Yeah I just went ahead and looked at yours. I know you're running JUND but it's not to far off from G/R...and I saw your CMC was 3. I've been struggling with weather or not that's find to play. You haven't had a problem with it?

Also, if you don;t mind me suggesting...have you though about Unravel the Aether instead of your destroy target artifact or enchantment card. That way you can get rid of gods.

March 1, 2014 6:38 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #24

"Yeah I just went ahead and looked at yours. I know you're running JUND but it's not to far off from G/R...and I saw your CMC was 3. I've been struggling with weather or not that's find to play. You haven't had a problem with it?" - I'm sorry, I don't know what you are asking here.

Yeah the phoenix is cool, are you talking about Golgari Charm ?

It can destroy enchantments and/or allow me to dodge supreme verdict. I don't have a way to deal with gods but i'm not sure that is necessary, without a strong board presence (in which case im probably losing) they don't do a lot.

March 1, 2014 6:42 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #25

Oh wait a tic, do you mean have I had a problem with running three colours? No, well maybe a little, the land base is a little sucky right now without check lands, but scry lands and the minimum amount of black helps. When the black/green scry land comes along, i might be able to up the amount of black in the deck, or maybe i'll just put it in for better consistency.

March 1, 2014 6:45 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #26

I was just saying that if you do want a way to deal with gods, look into Unravel the Aether and see if you have a spot for it.

And I was wondering if you have a problem with having your average card cost being 3? I try to keep mine at 2.5 but was wondering if 3 would be fine.

March 1, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #27

Oh... No, not at all. Elvish Mystic tends to show up if i don't draw enough land. Besides I've just decided to increase my-2 drops and lose two 3-drops.

March 1, 2014 6:53 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #28

Where The Revels Are: that's the updated deck. Let me know what you guys think.

I decided to keep Zhur-Taa Druid in because my CMC is 3.05 so I think I need about with creatures ramping and every other possible ramp cost 2 mana too.

March 2, 2014 9:09 a.m.

InnerFlame says... #29

took your advice trentfaris242, I am now running 4 Stormbreath Dragon s.

I am also running 4 Kalonian Hydra s. The idea is that I'm putting on a lot of pressure. They can either deal with a flying guy, or deal with a big guy with trample.

March 2, 2014 3:55 p.m.

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