What should i build?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 16, 2014, 9:31 p.m. by TheGamer

I personally love just looking through my trade binder, and randomly building a deck.

Now, meta includes every type of devotion and multiple different types of control. I want to build a cool deck that is fun to play and works!

I have some ideas:

Grixis Control

Junk Midrange

Dimir Control

G/R monsters

What do you think of those? Worth it? Note that the deck will be standard. Taking all advice on those and would like to here your ideas about your ideas of decks. Thanks in advance and Happy Deckbuilding! :)

raithe000 says... #2

Grixis control needs a better sweeper than Anger of the Gods and overloaded Mizzium Mortars , but it might work well against control.

G/R monsters is already a decent deck, I think it was like the fourth most popular pre BNG.

Junk Midrange has a bunch of decently powerful deck ideas floating around, but it's still untested to the best of my knowledge.

Dimir control also lacks a sweeper. You might be able to run Dimir tempo with a good Pain Seer deck, but straight control is probably not possible without going Esper.

Or at least, that's my opinion.

February 16, 2014 9:35 p.m.

abenz419 says... #3

I know it's not in your list of options, i'm assuming you have a good amount of pieces based on your other choices, but I'd suggest Golgari Midrange. I've been playing this deck now for the last 1-1.5 months. It started out really good and I've slowly been tweaking it for consistency and have really been running through people ever since I got the deck to the configuration that it's at now. The only bad matchup I have found is against various control decks (U/W, U/W/B, U/W/R) and I've built my sideboard almost solely for that matchup. The second most unfavorable matchups are against hexproof and Blood Baron of Vizkopa which is what the other half of the sideboard is for.

A Tapped Out Collaberation Playtest

Standard abenz419


You may need to tweak it a little to fit your local meta, but for me I have found that I have tons of utility from all of the cards in the deck with this set up. Including mainboard answers to Planeswalkers, Creatures, Artifacts, and Enchantments with cards like Putrefy , Hero's Downfall , Abrupt Decay , and Golgari Charm all without taking away from the overall build and without trying to cram too many strategies into one deck. Usually if you try to build a deck that has an answer for everything your never focused enough on any one thing but with these cards and this deck they all serve a very similar purpose but each one provides a little extra utility meaning you have an answer for almost anything they can play without those cards being dead draws in other matchups.

February 16, 2014 10:15 p.m.

-Logician says... #4

Now's a good time to go a little off the deep end and brew up a five color deck.

During my playtesting of a recent five color brew, I can say without a doubt that with 9 scry lands + four Sylvan Caryatids, you don't even need Chromatic Lantern . Instead, just put down one unpredictable and relentless threat after another.

Here's my draft so far

Five-Color | Superfriends & Stuff Playtest

Standard -Logician


Five-color is expensive though. You need a good mana-base. Notice how my color pie shows a very close relationship in the mana source, and mana costs distribution. Creating a 5-c mana base takes time and temperament. Patience is key.

I can say that this is one of the most fun decks I've played in a long time. :)

February 16, 2014 11:59 p.m.

TheGamer says... #5

Wow, thanks guys! These are some really great ideas!

raithe000- I agree with everything you just said! Grixis: thats why we need Damnation ;). Monsters: I see it floating around all over the place and was very popular at my local game store. Junk: I once play tested it and it did pretty good. And that's when I only had one blood Baron and some others ;). Dimir: the deck will probably end up being an Aggro or midrange build.

abenz419- Golgari seems like a cool build. I am very fond of Golgari Charm and think it is the best so I would love to use that. I will consider it.

-Logician- believe it or not, I am in the middle of building a deck like that! It's no where near done but here is what I have:

Five Color Shenanigans Playtest

Standard TheGamer


Thanks for the great suggestions guys and keep them coming! Happy Deckbuilding!

February 17, 2014 7:56 a.m.

TheGamer says... #6

Come on guys, any other ideas, thoughts, decks?

February 17, 2014 3:45 p.m.

TheGamer says... #7

Nothing else?

February 17, 2014 8:45 p.m.

This discussion has been closed