What to replace Fanatic of Xenagos?
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 1, 2014, 2:23 a.m. by TheXHeroJ0013
I want to replace the Fanatic of Xenagos in my deck with either Ghor-Clan Rampager or Hammer of Purphoros . Which should I replace with them? Also, if u can give advice on my sideboard, i would greatly appreciate that.
TheXHeroJ0013 says... #3
thanks for that. tired from fnm tonight. I completely forgot to put that there. and u did get the right one.
March 1, 2014 2:29 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #4
you should have Ghor-Clan Rampager in your deck already :P
Ohthenoises says... #2
Nylea's Rage (Help Wanted) for the lazy. Assuming I got the right one.
March 1, 2014 2:26 a.m.