What to switch out for 2xTithe Drinkers?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 3, 2013, 8 a.m. by Metroid_Hybrid
Okay, so I have a pretty decent Orzhov Exalted deck going for me so far.. Exalted../Flying../Double Strike../Lifelink.. ..and lately I've been tweaking it around, trying to make it more competitive for the sake of an upcoming FNM.. For one thing, I finally broke down and added some Oblivion Ring s.. I also wanted to include more lifegain, so I switched out some spells for 3xVampire Nighthawk s.. The problem is that I also really want to include 2xTithe Drinker (to round out the lifegain angle), but can't decide what to switch out for it.. :-|