What would YOU side in and out?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 6, 2012, 1:03 a.m. by RoyLancaster
Here's my deck, Grand Inferno. I don't really like the sideboard, I think it needs work. I'm also not good at deciding what to side in and out against matchups.
So, with my deck, I challenge you: Against the following matches, what cards would you take out, and what cards would you put in?
Vs. Mage-Blade
Vs. RG Aggro
Vs. Wolf Run Ramp
Vs. Solar Flare
Vs. Naya Pod
Whatever you end up doing, it'll probably seriously help me figure out which cards in my sideboard are kind of pointless and which cards in my maindeck should be sided out first in certain matchups.
Naya Pod -2 elesh norn +1 conscripts +1 karn Naya pod will run elesh norn so having yours killed off would suck but stealing theirs is game ending.
RG Aggro -2 galvanic blasts -1 elesh norn +1 karn +2 ancient grudge kill of those swords early and you can get into a late game where they dont have much large board presence.
Wolf run -4 slag storm -2 whipflare +1 slime +2 ancient grudge +1conscripts +2 surgical extraction Instant speed removal is what you need against wolf run or your going to eat 10 poison counters early on
Solar flare- -2 galvanic blasts -2 whipflares +2 surgical +1 karn +1 conscripts get rid of those fatties fast so it isn't your problem
Mage- blade- i don't have much experience against mage blade but +2ancient grudge +1 karn -1 slime -1 beast within -1 inferno, get rid of swords deal with their hexproof guys with board wipes
June 6, 2012 10:50 a.m.
vs. mage blade or u/w delver
you bring in 2x Surgical Extraction reason taking away all there counters or ponders or delvers or anything for that matter slows this deck down hard.
1x Karn Liberated this can easily be a turn 5 play for you and they can be fresh out of Mana Leak delver doesnt have a good way to combat with planeswalkers especially Karn Liberated .
2x Garruk, Primal Hunter Same reasoning as Karn Liberated delver/mage blade decks dont do to well against planeswalkers if they hit the battlefield.
bringing in what you need is always easy taking out is always hard Im not quite sure on this but i personally would cut 2x Galvanic Blast , 2x Primeval Titan and 1x Inferno Titan . mage blade/delver decks are going to be relying on them countering your fatties. sinking in the planeswalkers will slow them down. what ever you do do not cut Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite she shuts this deck down hard! only bring in Thrun, the Last Troll if you fear the counters but you can easily play around them. dont be fooled if you see a sword you have plenty of ways to deal with them 3 are main boarded Beast Within and Acidic Slime
vs. rg aggro
this one is a little more difficult considering they are made to out race you now. this should be your worse match-up in my opinion if they know how to side properly they will be bringing in Zealous Conscripts and Wolfir Silverheart to beat you in quicker and still your fatties]]
with that said i suggest this cutting 2x Galvanic Blast and 3x Primeval Titan and bringing in Acidic Slime , 2x Ancient Grudge , Beast Within and Wurmcoil Engine .
why cut Galvanic Blast for starters they are really bad in this match-up you are literally only going to target there accelerators which is all good and well but it is literally the least of your concerns. Primeval Titan does nothing for you in this match-up besides get you lands you have 12 other sources to fix that you will be plenty fine plus with them bringing in Wolfir Silverheart your titan seems useless.
why bring in Acidic Slime simple they rely on accelerators and most likely will be cutting burn to bring in wolfir and zealous thus giving them no mana on occasions blow up there land deathtouch there fattie or kill there sword. same thing with Beast Within also Ancient Grudge is to combat against swords. Wurmcoil Engine is really a coin flip. dont get me wrong it can be super good if they dont steal it which they might. but for sure wurmcoil can bring you back in this game.
June 6, 2012 2:11 p.m.
vs, wolfrun ramp
bring in Karn Liberated , 2x Garruk, Primal Hunter , Beast Within , Wurmcoil Engine and Zealous Conscripts take out 2x Whipflare and 4x Slagstorm
simple reasoning sinking a Karn Liberated is going to happen and making them rely on top decking is never good with this type of deck. Garruk, Primal Hunter can get you the card advantage battle easily as well as get you some lil 3/3 beaters. Beast Within to combat with there fatties and there inkmoth. most people think of Ancient Grudge and Naturalize as the go to card of choice i agree to disagree. its all fine and good but your only real target u want to aim for is Inkmoth Nexus so why not just destroy the land before it gets going plus Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite helps against it. Wurmcoil Engine can help you lock up the game and Zealous Conscripts is super good against ramp. the cards you are cutting are just dead against this deck.
vs. solar flare
bring in Karn Liberated , 2x Surgical Extraction , Thrun, the Last Troll , Naturalize , Acidic Slime
same reasons as before with Karn Liberated , Surgical Extraction take away there game plan before they get a chance. Thrun, the Last Troll they are usually counter heavy but rely on kill spells as well this allows you to sink in a creature and do some work. Naturalize they will most likely bring in more card:Curse of Death's Hold in fear of being infected. and Acidic Slime helps this to. i think the proper things to take out is Slagstorm simply they are only going to kill spirits that they have flash back on. and same with Whipflare . Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , Inkmoth Nexus and Galvanic Blast take care of this issue for you.
June 6, 2012 2:12 p.m.
vs. naya pod
this is another tricky math- up since they can get bigger than you as well and the fact that they are aggro as all get out.
with that said i think cutting 3x Primeval Titan in this one is a must. once again they can and will get bigger then you with Wolfir Silverheart also dropping 2x Beast Within seems logical considering you dont want to give them any more creatures to beat your face in.
I think what you bring in here is Karn Liberated same reasons as before making them pitch there hand is really good. 2x Combust . Restoration Angel is going to be a big part of this decks success in the future having a way to deal with it in Combust can make you day a little easier. Zealous Conscripts is good in the fact that you can still there bigger stuff or there pod and pod into Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite . and last but not least Acidic Slime . most people think bringing in Ancient Grudge is a logical choice i disagree. i think that you really have to be scared of Birthing Pod to do that. most naya pod decks only run 2. they are more of a aggro deck then anything. so bringing in another Acidic Slime gives you just as many ways to deal with pod as they do drawing pod.
well this is all i have hope it helps and sorry its so long got kinda carried away
June 6, 2012 2:12 p.m.
RoyLancaster says... #8
And I think you've proven that every card in my sideboard deserves to be there. That makes me feel a lot better about my choices, and I'll be less anxious about finding better sideboard choices.
June 6, 2012 7:45 p.m.
it really depends on your meta. if your meta is like mine where it is all aggro then yes there are better sideboard options but if you see those decks week in week out then you should be ok with that sideboard if you want a solid sideboard to cover everything there are better choice for instant use Ray of Revelation over Naturalize real easy for you to use it twice. Also Bonfire of the Damned is super good against the meta
June 6, 2012 10:11 p.m.
RoyLancaster says... #10
Well, running as little white as I am (it's only there for Elesh Norn), I tried to stay away from white cards. But I'll consider it. And I honestly find Bonfire of the Damned to unreliable.
STG says... #2
From the top of my head and for your colours... (Sorry if its not really THAT helpful.)
VS Mage-Blade
Ancient Grudge , Pillar of Flame , Stony Silence , Thrun, the Last Troll (If counter heavy)
VS RG Aggro
Pillar of Flame for Strangleroot Geist , Whipflare /Slagstorm
VS Wolf Run Ramp
Ghost Quarter , Acidic Slime , Beast Within
VS Solar Flare
card:Grafdigger's Cage, Nihil Spellbomb , Surgical Extraction
VS Naya Pod
Sigarda, Host of Herons , card:Grafdigger's Cage
June 6, 2012 1:49 a.m.