Where do I go from here?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 12, 2013, 5:49 p.m. by Swamy
So the idea should be simple, mana ramp with Grand Architect into a Caged Sun play big beefy creatures like Master of Etherium profit. But I feel it's not consistent and I don't know where to look to fix it.
I've been tweaking it for a few years now but still not satisfied with the "end product". If I can I'd like to get it to modern, but of with any format.
I still want to keep the concept the same though, some kind of many ramp into big dudes and possibly a swarmy type, either Rite of Replication or other means.
Oh also "lord" type creatures that could help beef out each other is a bonus for me too. _
Ahh thanks, not the path I was looking to take with the deck, but now I'm interested in getting a Sundering Titan lol. _
Goody says... #2
Look at Mono U Tron in modern.
September 12, 2013 6:30 p.m.