Which card is better? RDW version~
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2013, 5:17 p.m. by Femme_Fatale
I'm looking for a substitute for Thunderous Wrath in my RDW deck They Say Lightning Never Hits the Same Place Twice because I'm running Browbeat as well. I have 5 choices at the moment, though there may very well be others. I just don't know what to choose.
Your help is appreciated~
JakeOswoll says... #3
Shard Volley is my personal favorite, but Marauders and Hellspark Elemental are also both solid cards in a burn deck.
September 26, 2013 5:30 p.m.
I prefer Keldon Marauders or Hellspark Elemental , personally.
I also am a fan of Hell's Thunder when it comes to this sort of thing.
September 26, 2013 5:32 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #5
Keldon Marauders it is then! I'm also running Grim Lavamancer , and the net damage is one more for the marauders.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions~
Goody says... #2
Marauders is excellent
September 26, 2013 5:23 p.m.