Which Deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 24, 2014, 9:12 a.m. by lotusofblackness
I have two decks that I really enjoy, U/W control and AND IN THIS CORNER...... MONO BLUE DEVOTION!!!!, but I don't know which one to make. The [[U/W Control deck costs a little bit more though.
Please HELP!!!!
RobossVampireHunter says... #3
UW control all the way, mono blue devotion was clearly an amazing deck in pro tour theros, but it's way to easy to sideboard against, gainsay, shrivel, golgari charm, etc,etc. UW control is a much harder deck to beat, (but yeah it's like $650), and mutavault is going to rotate soon.
February 24, 2014 9:35 a.m.
tigersfan774 says... #4
Your first link doesn't direct correctly. you need to copy the deck name from the url to make sure the link goes to the right place. I went to you page and in your case the deck name for linking is: uw-control-23-02-14-6
So if you type that into brackets it'll link to your deck like this:
Boza says... #2
UW control is likely to stay relevant after ravnica rotates out though. You will lose all the good devotion cards for blue in several months. The control will be strong and easily trasnferable to modern.,
February 24, 2014 9:34 a.m.