Which of these 2 decks is stronger.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 12:11 p.m. by APPLE01DOJ

So since the price of Voice of Resurgence has dropped. I've been buying a playset (1 more to go) and really want a deck to play Voice in. I've come up with these 2 builds.

1 is ur standard fair token deck utilizing the Populate mechanic.

G/W Voice of Resurgence -Populate- Playtest

Standard* APPLE01DOJ


2 is a midrange deck splashed unfair for Supreme Verdict .

G/W Midrange w/Verdict Playtest

Standard* APPLE01DOJ


So if u check them out, please vote which to build.

infinitemana says... #2

I'm not quite sure why you are playing Supreme Verdict in a deck filled with 1, 2 and 3 drops, so the first one seems bette to me. Although you could ditch the populate theme and just run GW aggro/midrange. Thats what I did, and here is my shameless deck plug if you want a starting point. Lions and Satyrs and Wurms, Oh My!

January 28, 2014 1:45 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #3

I don't really think the Supreme Verdict makes sense in that second deck. Every single of your creatures besides Scion of Vitu-Ghazi has a manacost equal to/higher than 4. You'll be playing them and then you'll wipe your own board - that doesn't seem profitable at all.

January 28, 2014 1:47 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

Well I was actually thinking of playing the relevant lower CMC creatures post Supreme Verdict .

Scion of Vitu-Ghazi is great post board Supreme Verdict but so is Scavenging Ooze .In theory Brimaz, King of Oreskos will be too.

Basically it's a midrange deck prepared to board wipe itself and rebuild.

January 28, 2014 2:32 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #5

A Supreme Verdict with a single Voice of Resurgence will give u a 1/1 token that your opponent most likely won't see as a threat. Follow that up with Scion of Vitu-Ghazi and it will give u 3 4/4's and a 1/1 flyer. That is a lot to have to answer post board wipe.

January 28, 2014 2:39 p.m.

infinitemana says... #6

But what if you don't verdict with a Voice of Resurgence out? Then you are just stuck with a bunch of small creatures in hand that gives your opponent plenty of time to rebuild.

January 28, 2014 2:41 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #7

I think your failing to see the versatility of the card. Obviously things will be adapted to the deck at hand and if it's not optimal in a match up then it's sideboard material.

The only little creatures r Soldier of the Pantheon which is only meant as to add numbers, do some lightweight aggro or be early game defense. If I wipe 1 or 2 of them, who cares.

Sylvan Caryatid is only added to be able to cast Supreme Verdict so I really don't care if it gets wiped.

January 28, 2014 2:53 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

Why Supreme Verdict your own Voice of Resurgence and negate it's built in card advantage? Playing an aggro deck that won't start dropping creatures until turn 5 is not a recipe for success. Why not pressure them from the start and use a form of evasion or overwhelming numbers to win the game on turn 4 or 5? Midrange decks will laugh as they play bigger creatures than you post Verdict. Control will just Verdict you after you play the creatures you were holding back from your own Verdict if you aren't already locked out of the game at that point.

January 28, 2014 3:26 p.m.

ENEyman says... #9

I agree with the previous posters. Why would you ever want to wrath away your own board? The deck play so many early threats that often you will be stuck with a Supreme Verdict in hand, not wanting to cast it because it will kill all your dudes. Even if you do have creatures to play post-wrath, opponents will laugh at you when you play and Loxodon Smiter and they follow up with a real threat like Stormbreath Dragon or AEtherling .

January 28, 2014 5:23 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

So does any one like the populate build? no one seems to think the wrath splash is good.

January 28, 2014 5:42 p.m.

I personally have very little experience with Populate. Never used it myself and have only seen it used by Trostani, Selesnya's Voice on wurm tokens at FNM. Out of the 2 decks I would pick the Populate build though.

Now if it were my deck I'd take the Verdict build and replace 4x Supreme Verdict with 4x Brave the Elements and 4x Sylvan Caryatid with 4x Experiment One or another aggressive creature.

January 28, 2014 6:10 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #12

Regarding Populate, it's a pretty strong mechanic. It was stronger when INN was in standard, thanks to Parallel Lives , though.

I have a friend that once made a populate/token focused deck and it was absolutely scary. First thing, Advent of the Wurm is great. It's pretty much a flashable 5/5 for 4 mana, which makes it great. It's a 4-of.

Sylvan Caryatid is also a great 2 drop, since it lets you get Advent out in T3. If you have Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , you might as well add 2 Archangel of Thune , as it boosts every single creature you have every time you do so much as populate. It's especially great when you have 5/5 trampling wurms which GROW.

This, of course, leads to a somewhat vulnerable build. And here come the Rootborn Defenses . Mainboarded. Yes, mainboarded. You could have 2 in main and other 2 in the side. It's great because it protects pretty much every creature of yours and populates on top of that.

Experiment One and Fleecemane Lion are also pretty solid creatures here. Don't really like Dryad Militant here, though. Just feels like it's lacking some oomph for what you need.

January 28, 2014 6:51 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #13

The reason I like the Militant is because it's castable off both green and white T1 with an above the curve body. The DRS hate is a bonus.

That being said, I don't really like Experiment One but was thinking maybe Scavenging Ooze this would work better too, because I do like the addition of Archangel of Thune

January 28, 2014 7:16 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #14

Oh, and if you add in Archangel of Thune , you'll love having Soldier of the Pantheon is your opponent is playing any multicolour! Just reminding that!

January 28, 2014 7:17 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #15

Scavenging Ooze is also a nice option, yes. I guess it'd be better if this was more focused on creature spam/lifegain shenanigans. Ooze, Thune, Soldier of the Pantheon and Trostani are all pretty good sources for lifegain and reaping some advantage from it. Add in tokens and populate to fuel it even more through Trostani and to make your board presence even scarier and BAM, you got yourself a deck.

Right now I was testing an alternative based on your deck, and no matter how much I like Experiment One , I just feel that Soldier of the Pantheon does fit better the 1-drop slot. I still don't really like Dryad Militant - I'm pretty sure you have enough land and shocklands to not need that.

January 28, 2014 7:21 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

Honestly even with all the lifegain triggers I can't help but feel Kalonian Hydra would be a better win-con than Archangel of Thune . The main reason is that the hydra wins games by itself, where the archangel really needs an established board presence to shine. 3/4 flying is easier to deal with than 8/8 trampling followed by 16/16 ...32/32

January 28, 2014 10:11 p.m.

I think that's all good advice. I do like Dryad Militant in aggro decks. Kalonian Hydra I'm not a big fan of, I feel it's too slow for standard. If unanswered it is a game ender though.

January 28, 2014 10:32 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #18

True, but Kalonian Hydra is a single threat in a deck that doesn't use +1/+1 counters. Archangel of Thune , on the other hand, makes every single one of your cards a potential threat.

January 29, 2014 8:09 a.m.

I think Archangel of Thune is a good card but it's slower than the hydra and requires a board presence. Plus we live in a world with Stormbreath Dragon everywhere. It must be answered or it will win in a few turns.

Kalonian Hydra gets out of burn range and is bigger than most creatures after one attack. Making it a little more durable. It should win after two attacks.

January 29, 2014 8:36 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #20

Hm, completely forgot about Stormbreath Dragon .

Well, guess the hydra really is a better option, then.

January 29, 2014 8:39 a.m.

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