Which one should I buy?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 5, 2014, 7:40 p.m. by Arorsthrar
I currently run a U/W control decks, but I am missing some of the more expensive cards in the deck. I have mustered up the money to buy either a Jace, Architect of Thought or a Sphinx's Revelation , but I'm not sure which one to get (I would get both if I had the money). Which one should I buy to have the greatest benefit on my deck?
My deck is a pretty standard U/W control deck; I currently run 2x Sphinx's Revelation , 3x Quicken , and 4x Divination as my biggest card advantage cards. Instead of Jace, Architect of Thought , I have Jace, Memory Adept main boarded since he also serves as card advantage and a win con. I have all the other staples, except I am missing one Mutavault .
i would get a trade binder posted up on here and just trade for the stuff you want. (unless you just gotta have it now. haha) 2 months ago i had zero of the u/w stuff. i now have full sets of the verdicts, charms, d-spheres, 2 aetherlings, and 3 sphinx revs. this site is awesome for its ability to trade with basically the whole country (and beyond) for whatever you need. you just gotta put the time in to find someone who wants what you have.
mckin says... #2
jace will drop in a month or less when the dual deck comes out, so id rock another sphinxs first and by the time you have enough $$ for a jace, youll prolly get 2
February 5, 2014 7:45 p.m.