Which Spirit is Better?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 19, 2012, 6:07 p.m. by Carsf

After looking over the new RTR cards, I've had tons of ideas for making or improving decks. However, when it comes to one of my decks, I'm not quite sure if I should be replacing or adding much.

To see the cards I'm talking about, go here: MTG Salvation

First: Vassal Soul over Geist Snatch . Geist Snatch is a turn four or later counterspell for creatures that gives me a 1/1 flying token. The problem with this is that it's slow, epically for a counterspell. Vassal Soul is turn three, can be payed with W or U, and is a 2/2 with flying. However, stopping an opponent's creature while getting one is very ideal, as I will get to untap my mana when their turn ends, thus letting me get a creature then play another when my turn comes around.

Keening Apparition over Niblis of the Urn . This deck has a minor tapping theme that's very well kept with Niblis. I can enchant it with Ghostly Touch for even more tapping power, allowing me to plow into enemies if I have all four of them enchanted. However, the utter lack of removal in my deck (epically against the dreaded O-Ring) is concerning. With the Apparition and Ghostly Touch, I can make it a stronger Niblis that can be sacrificed for some removal.

Soulsworn Spirit over Latch Seeker . Latch seeker is a great creature. It may be weak, but it can be a game winner. However, for one extra mana (and a sacrifice of one power) I can have an unblockable creature out with an added bonus: Detaining a creature. Sure, it's not amazing for four mana, but it can come in handy if I need to take out a mana ramping creature for a turn, epically those pesky elves.

Any feedback is appreciated. Here's the deck in case you want/need to look at it: No Geists, No Glory

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