White sideboard after all that Pro Tour play (modern)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 23, 2014, 9:26 a.m. by Korombos

I've been watching bits and pieces of this weekend's protour on youtube, and I've been trying to anticipate what I'm going to see in the modern tournament I'm attending this afternoon.

I'm running a mono-white humans deck, because it's what I can afford at this time. Human Snowdrift (Advice Welcome) I've been trying to puzzle out what I should run as my sideboard.

Some of the best sideboard cards, I still don't have access to, but will acquire as budget allows. Leyline of Sanctity etc.

My current pool to build my sideboard out of looks something like this:

4x Imposing Sovereign 4x Renounce the Guilds 2x Pithing Needle 2x Stony Silence 2x Ivory Mask 2x Aven Mindcensor 2x Grand Abolisher 4x War Priest of Thune 2x Ratchet Bomb 1x Rest in Peace 1x Spirit of the Labyrinth

What should I run as my sideboard today? Should I run more War Priest of Thune s to anticipate Bitterblossom ? Should I get Disenchant out of mothballs? Are there any other classics I'm overlooking?

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