White Weenie v Defender Mill?

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 13, 2014, 10:09 a.m. by Servo_Token

Ok, so I'm apparently terrible at Magic, because I can't seem to beat any iteration of Phenax Mill. The deck i'm using: Devotion to the Council.

What should I be sideboarding to help in this matchup? It's not exactly a big concern of mine, but I am going to a 5k on Saturday, and god knows that i'm going to be paired up with the one guy that's playing it. A guy at my shop also plays it, so I guess it needs to be addressed.

Basically my problem is that I can't out-aggro them because they sit behind their giant walls - as far as I know, a 0/5 beats a 3/3 all day - and I can't out-attrition them because Phenax, God of Deception is a thing. I've got the sideboard Revoke Existence , but what else can I use in this matchup?

RussischerZar says... #2

Two obvious choices:

  • Brave the Elements makes all your guys unblockable.
  • Thoughtseize gets rid of Phenax before he hits the board, then their milling plan goes down the drain unless they topdeck one.

Maybe you could also add a Fated Retribution or something, let him build his board and then nuke it in response to Phenax. Obviously requires quite some time which you usually don't have if they get a good enough hand.

March 13, 2014 10:22 a.m.

veritates1 says... #3

If he's hiding behind walls and you are playing for meta...try Killing Glare . 0/5 becomes a 1 black mana kill.

March 13, 2014 10:43 a.m.

InnerFlame says... #4

Unless you throw in some black, I'm thinking Fated Retribution , like RussischerZar said, is your only choice for Obzedat, Ghost Council ..I think. You should check the ruling on what happens pertaining to your opponent bringing him back if you exile it instead of him. If you can exile him without it coming back, I'm almost positive there is an instant in white that exiles. It's white thing. If the opponent can bring it back if you exile it, I suggest throwing in black for some kind of spot removal. I feel like Fated Retribution cost too much for a weenie deck.

As for Phenax, God of Deception , Revoke Existence is really your only option.

On a side note: Gods Willing is better than Brave the Elements simply because you get to scry as well with it. Cost the same mana and does the same.

March 13, 2014 10:45 a.m.

BorosPlayer says... #5

Actually, Brave the Elements is soooooooooo much better than Gods Willing . If you read carefully, Brave the Elements works for all white creatures, which should be your whole board, while Gods Willing only works for one target creature. Brave the Elements should be enough to end the game with most mono-white decks.

However, I don't see why you would have trouble. There aren't many good walls in standard, and you have Banisher Priest , Angel of Serenity , and a ton of big flyers.

Overall, I think Brave the Elements is the way to go.

March 13, 2014 10:53 a.m.

InnerFlame says... #6

Ohhhhhhhh! Yeah, Brave the Elements is for sure better. lol opps.

March 13, 2014 11:05 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #7

I've got Brave the Elements in the side, so I guess sticking with that is the better option. Move that up to a 3 maybe?

Also, Invisible_Stalker, you should probably look at the deck before posting. I'm actually not concerned in the slightest about opposing obzedats. And yes, if you exile someone's obzedat before their trigger can happen, it goes away forever.

March 13, 2014 11:08 a.m.

InnerFlame says... #8

Got confused and thought you were asking about how to defend both matchups. Sorry for trying to help.

March 13, 2014 11:14 a.m.

xlaleclx says... #9

Don't sideboard against it if you want to be a good player. It's a terrible deck that make up 0% of the meta. Don't devote sideboard slots to it.

March 13, 2014 11:17 a.m.

DrLitebur says... #10

With any weenie deck, you need to hit fast, hit hard, and hit continuously. A mill deck, especially these iterations of them (I run one so I can give some insight) are about delay, defend, then mill for a whole bunch. What you need is probably some way to either put more creatures on the board faster (mana ramp), or a way to replenish your hand after emptying it of your creatures.

Hope this helps.

March 13, 2014 11:19 a.m.

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