Will gates hurt my aggro turbofog deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 6, 2013, 9:05 p.m. by daveandkenz

The deck:Flash Fog Duct Tape Rape

The issue:The deck is dual colored and I don't have dual lands other than shock lands. I was considering adding gates, but I don't want it too be too slow to handle all the blitz decks out now. Would the gates hurt my speed more than the additional color is worth?

GlimmerKing says... #2

This should have been put in the forums instead of Q&A. Q&A if for rule questions.

But your question would be a matter of opinion more than anything. I don't mind gates really even if it makes my deck a little slower, I think it's a fair trade-off for more flexibility.

July 6, 2013 9:15 p.m.

daveandkenz says... #3

I couldn't figure out how to post it anywhere else. I'm on mobile and its a little sketchy. :(

July 6, 2013 9:28 p.m.

daveandkenz says... #4

Aha! I was looking in the articles rather than the forums. My apologies. Is there any way I can delete this one so it doesn't take up space? :o and thanks for your first answer!

July 6, 2013 9:32 p.m.

GlimmerKing says... #5

Not that I know of...

July 6, 2013 9:33 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

Moved to Deck Help.
For reference, you can tag me and I'll move a thread for you.

If you're trying to play true aggro, you don't want lands that come in tapped. If you're playing a slower deck, you can afford to have a few ETB-tapped lands if you decide they're worth the one slow turn.

July 6, 2013 10:23 p.m.

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