Will this deck survive at fnm?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 23, 2014, 1:48 p.m. by Glaspo
Thinking about bringing it. I know it is missing a couple pieces but it has faired well thus far. Help please!
I would say instead of Divination, go with 3-4 Counters and/or a 4th Last Breath .
January 23, 2014 2:14 p.m.
No, you're not going to get creamed or anything with that list - unless your new to control. Another 2 Jace, Architect of Thought would be nice and 26-27 lands is generally the more accepted amount. A pair of Mutavault would be good to have around. But otherwise the list is pretty solid.
Outside of the shell cards like Sphinx's Revelation , Supreme Verdict , Detention Sphere , etc. A lot of the individual cards are going to depend a lot on what your local meta is like. Control decks are answer decks so you need to line up your answers. Divination , for instance, is a fine card if you expect a Thoughtseize heavy environment. You just want to re-coop and overwhelm there 1-for-1 trading.
I actually would recommend avoiding the Elixir of Immortality plan unless you feel you're particularly adapt at control. You're already sort of sitting between them. The Elixir of Immortality plan is to have all the card draw and like a single win condition, eventually you just start burying them in spells, but it's slow and fragile if you're not 100% familiar with it. The other route is simply to run 3-5 win conditions, like you are currently.
January 23, 2014 2:30 p.m.
infinitemana says... #5
There is one major problem I see with the list: What the heck is Arrows of Justice doing in the sideboard? What are they for? They are just a bad card in general. If it's for aggro, go with something like Last Breath instead.
January 23, 2014 4:09 p.m.
I would say mainboard Last Breath and sideboard Celestial Flare vs mid-range type decks (where you know that Celestial Flare will more likely hit something bigger)
January 23, 2014 5:39 p.m.
Okay, I totally see the logic in the Last Breath-Celestial Flare swap. As for putting more counters in for the divinations, what counters would be good? I mean I already have 4x Dissolve and 3x Syncopate
Btw, thanks to all of you for all the helpful feedback, it's much appreciated!!
Jairoe03 says... #2
It looks competitive enough to me (depending how competitive your local card shop is on FNM), but it has a lot of the key elements you are looking for in an Esper deck (Supreme Verdict , Sphinx's Revelation , Jace, Architect of Thought , 2-3 kill cards.
I don't think you need the 3x Divination between Sphinx's Revelation and Azorius Charm and I want to think you can do better than Celestial Flare for creature control since I'm not a big fan of sacrifice effects because the potential of it being a dead card is fairly great especially against aggro or weenie decks. I would say Last Breath instead because its targetted, its also a 2 drop (but not double white), its targetted and it doesn't have a condition so you can cast it at any time and not have to hope/wait for opponent to attack.
Celestial Flare does work great against mid-range type decks but I want to think by the time opponent gets within mid-range, you would be able to counter the threats that try to come out.
January 23, 2014 2:12 p.m.