Worldfire back in Meta?
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 2, 2013, 9:35 p.m. by RedCloud2012
Ok heres the deck idea lets discuss it! Worldfire(Your Welcome!)
Well, it would probably only take the Worldfire mana to pull off, since you could exile Legion's Initiative at the end of the opponent's turn, untap, play Worldfire on your first main phase, and then go into combat. I see now that you're aware of this and you have ramp, but I don't understand the point of cards like Burning-Tree Emissary and Firemane Avenger . I assume Frontline Medic is there to stop Syncopate and such. You could possibly run Blasphemous Act instead of Mizzium Mortars since you're running indestructibility and Boros Reckoner .
Your weak matchup would theoretically be control, which I guess is why you're running some cheap aggro, but I feel that it might take away from your ramping. How does it playtest so far?
May 3, 2013 9:52 a.m.
RedCloud2012 says... #6
Goody actually buring tree pays for farseek himself as he gens R+G in pool. but yea they are there to annoy control and burn their counterspells up and such.
May 4, 2013 2:40 a.m.
RedCloud2012 says... #7
Really frontline is there to counter sphinx rev if before I can go off, But if I can go off and they havent rev'd then yea syncopate or any X pay and battalion isnt bad either. The reason I care about Rev is the draw, dont want them filling their hand with dissipate and such.
RedCloud2012 says... #2
Ok so I was trying to find the best pairing for Legion's Initiative and thought about Worldfire before Thragtusk was the only card usable to autowin and it could be singled out but legions Initiative says hey there Worldfire we will be back when the fires out.
May 2, 2013 9:42 p.m.