Worldly tutor or summoner's pact?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 19, 2014, 6:24 a.m. by Hellsing
I Have a deck based on Biovisionary so I want tutoring for it. Worldly Tutor places the card on the top of my library while Summoner's Pact puts it in my hand directly, but it cost more mana. How do you choose?
Threads about your decks belong in the Deck Help forum. Epochalyptik should be here soon to do that for you.
January 19, 2014 6:57 a.m.
When will you tutor for the card. Is it your 4th Biovisionary or your 1st that you will want?
January 19, 2014 7:26 a.m.
smackjack has it right with this one... Worldly Tutor is very good but may take a whole other turn to get it, the Summoner's Pact seems to situational to be fully effective. Green Sun's Zenith gets it right into play and then is shuffled back into your library to potentially tutor more of your Biovisionary s.
January 19, 2014 9:22 a.m.
never thought of Green Sun's Zenith , I'm definitely going to put it in my deck, thanks for the help :).
TurboFagoot says... #2
You never want to cast Summoner's Pact until you can win the game that turn, thus negating it's drawback. If you can't win that turn, just Worldy Tutor in your opponent's endstep.
January 19, 2014 6:28 a.m.