Would Lotleth work in this?

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 31, 2013, 5:35 p.m. by Champloo

Morglen Life Gain Post Rotation!

So this is what I'm currently working with. I was thinking the other day about Lotleth Troll in the main board, Lotleth Troll would help me dump my creatures so both he and Scavenging Ooze can snowball. I'm thinking it would take the place of Grisly Salvage since in situations, it hurts more than it helps. But without Grisly Salvage , Deathrite Shaman wouldn't be able to ramp as well. And most of my creatures combo well with Archangel of Thune , where as Lotleth Troll wouldn't as much. So I'm stuck. What do you guys think?

Thanks again!

smackjack says... #2

Well you dont have any creatures to discard. He works better in a deck with Gravecrawler and Slitherhead and other creatures you wouldn't mind discarding. Elvish Mystic is the only card worth discarding, if you have enough mana. I would keep Grisly Salvage , its a great card and helps you get to Archangel of Thune faster. Or maybe Jarad's Orders to tutor for the angel turn 4 so you can drop him turn 5..

July 31, 2013 6:05 p.m.

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