Would you use raise the alarm or mishra's factory in this deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2013, 9:35 a.m. by smackjack
In my Eldrazi Control deck i need creatures that are not creature cards so i can Polymorph into one of the 2 eldrazis in the deck. As it is now i use Raise the Alarm and Mutavault as targets, and sometimes an angel from Entreat the Angels .
I just got 4 Mishra's Factory and it would be equally great as Mutavault in this deck, if not better because of its second ability. I would love to add it, but i cant take out any coloured lands.
Would you use Mishra's Factory instead of Raise the Alarm in a deck like this? The deck is very controlling, so the 4 extra lands would absolutely help. They survive mine and my opponents Day of Judgment , cant be countered and can only be removed by instants. Altho, Raise the Alarm is great to flash in blockers and i wont loose a land when i Polymorph ..
Any suggestions? Maybe something else should make room for the factory?
MagicalHacker says... #2
Yes I would. Make sure you have 2 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn so that you don't have to worry about losing a land. I say this because once you get Emrakul out, who cares that you're down a land? You have a creature that is powerful and near impossible to remove.
August 2, 2013 2:11 p.m.