Yorion Brew Sideboard Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 22, 2022, 11:54 p.m. by philktoken8998
Hey everyone, I'm working on the sideboard for this deck I've been brewing and would like some help. If anyone has more experience with building sideboards for Yorion decks in the modern format that would be great. I'm specifically looking to have better matchups vs. Murktide and combo.
**Also if anyone can help direct me to the section for how correctly post this link so it looks nice that would be great. Was having trouble finding it.
philktoken8998 says... #3
Thanks. I think my thinking is just how do Yorion, Sky Nomad players adjust their sideboard options considering the 80 card main and how that dilutes the potency of sideboard choices generally. Ie is a plan of having tutorable targets in the sideboard a good idea vs. still playing non tutorable but more flexible/powerful cards?
1.) Solitude and Batterskull reasoning: - Solitude and higher CMC spells doesn't work with Experimental Synthesizer particularly well. You CAN cast it if exiled with synthesizer, but you're generally having to do a 2 for 1 and hoping for a really good target right when that happens. For this card, I'm specifically thinking vs. reanimator, titan decks, and murktide. It can also help vs. hammer as well.
- Batterskull is brought in against aggro decks and burn since I think this and Sylvok Lifestaff are probably better than non tutorable cards like Blossoming Calm.Batterskull also can provide pseudo card advantage when fighting vs. control/omnath but generally can be a clunky card in a lot of other matchups. Kaldra Compleat basically fulfills the role of Batterskull in the main deck of giant beatstick to a better level.
2.) Decks that are giving grief or I believe could give grief are big mana (omnath, tron, and titan) and then all in combo decks (living end, belcher) since the deck isn't running counterspells in the main/side.Experimental Synthesizer and counters nonbo but if you think it's worth adding some amount into the board I'm all ears.
March 23, 2022 7:55 a.m.
wallisface says... #4
philktoken8998 I don’t think people generally account for Yorion’s extra 20 cards when creating sideboards. At best, they just run more copies of the important cards (so, running 2-ofs instead of 1-ofs, for example). I think it’s just part of the accepted penalty for running Yorion.
It’s interesting that you’ve seen Kaldra Compleat to be superior to Batterskull, as i’ve found the complete opposite. When the Kaldra germ token gets hit with Prismatic Ending it hurts waaay more. And Batterskull can reliably push you into the late game with its lifelink, which is often where the deck wants to be anyway. Kaldra can race, yes, but oftentimes it’s not fast enough to win that race on its own (only threatening lethal turn-6 is slow). Kaldra also has no chance of being cast if the Stoneforge gets bolted.
In response to your “trouble decks”:
Archon of Emeria will make life super hard for Living End, as well as mess with Belcher.
Stony Silence will mess with Tron and Belcher.
Damping Sphere ruins Tron and Titan, while also slowing down Living End and Belcher.
Leonin Arbiter should buy you a turn or two against Omnath. Torpor Orb can also be very useful here to stop the elementals gaining etb advantages.
There are more options, but at this point, i think it’s clear that you won’t be able to sideboard against all of these decks effectively, because you’ve only got 14 cards in your sideboard, and Yorion kindof demands running a higher quantity of copies. So, i guess sideboard with what your local meta is predominantly running in mind.
March 23, 2022 3:47 p.m.
philktoken8998 says... #5
Thanks again. I'll probably try running Batterskull in the main the next time I play the deck and see how it feels since you've got some points. I don't think Kaldra Compleat is completely uncastable though since you've got Urza, Lord High Artificer, and Seasoned Pyromancer can loot it away, but I see your thinking 100%. This deck has some heavy mana requirements (end up wanting white early and then double blue and triple red late game) so the lifelink wouldn't hurt.
As for the sideboard choices, the deck is pretty heavy on etbs (stoneforge, pyromancer, emry, urza) and artifacts, so do you think with that being said Stony Silence and Torpor Orb would still be worth it? There's a decent amount of associated splash damage in that sense.
March 24, 2022 8:46 a.m.
wallisface says... #6
philktoken8998 Yeah Kaldra is by no means bad - Stoneforge decks often run 3 equipments main & 1 side, and Kaldra is almost always one of those 4 slots. I just think, between it and Batterskull, Kaldras more likely to be in the sideboard, assuming one of them takes that slot.
And yeah, I was just throwing down a bunch of generic sideboard answers, there’s no way your deck should be running either of Stony Silence or Torpor Orb. An alternate to Stony is Karn, the Great Creator, but that’s also going to be faar too slow to answer the decks you see as threats.
wallisface says... #2
Having a quick look, i’m puzzled as to some of your current sideboard choices - Solitude and Batterskull specifically. Both cards make fine mainboard options, though i’m nit sure either are particularly suitable/good sideboard choices - what matchups are you expecting them for?
As far as sideboard choices versus specific decks:
Murktide decks fall to pieces if you can prevent them having a graveyard. Rest in Peace and Leyline of the Void are both spectacular options - though assuming neither of them is suitable, you just want any card you can that can keep their graveyard clean.
Combo covers a pretty wide range of decks to deal with. Some combo decks die to Damping Sphere, some to Surgical Extraction, Prismatic Ending, Counterspell… it’s hard to suggest how to help you here without knowing what specific decks are giving you grief.
March 23, 2022 3:02 a.m.