Zombie deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 19, 2013, 2:49 a.m. by TheBolas

I love zombies and am wanting to build a pure zombies deck. Doesn't have to be standard. Probably modern lol. I'm wondering what the must have cards would be and great cards that would have wonderful synergy with zombies. All help will be greatly appreciated!


sylvannos says... #2

I used to play this deck during Innistrad/RtR. If I made it Modern, I'd add in Tidehollow Sculler , up the Deathrite Shaman count to four, up Abrupt Decay to four, play Maelstrom Pulse with Liliana of the Veil , and cut Putrefy , Oblivion Ring , Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , Knight of Infamy , Ulvenwald Tracker , and Varolz, the Scar-Striped . Then, I'd switch out some lands for four Verdant Catacombs and four Marsh Flats .

November 19, 2013 4:04 a.m.

Yananas says... #3

Depends on what colors you want to use. sylvannos uses W/B/G, I have U/B zombies.

A common color is Black. Black has cards as Death Baron , Lord of the Undead , Geralf's Messenger , Cemetery Reaper , Gravecrawler , Unbreathing Horde , Endless Ranks of the Dead , Butcher Ghoul and Diregraf Ghoul .

Add Blue, and you get cards like Diregraf Captain , Lich Lord of Unx , Rooftop Storm , Grimgrin, Corpse-Born , Undead Alchemist and Nephalia Drownyard .

Add Green, and cards like Deathrite Shaman , Lotleth Troll and Dreg Mangler enter the fray.

B/U/G zombies might be very well possible.

My deck is Solanum, check it out for some inspiration if you want, although it's far from good.

November 19, 2013 6:08 a.m.

Deetoz says... #4

How competitive do you want your deck, and what kind of deck do you want to play?The various Lords are cool, but kinda slow. Gravecrawler lends itself nicely to a combo-ish deck with sac outlets.

Geralf's Messenger is a pestilence to deal with, so it's a good tool for midrange and aggro.It could be really cool to do a Living End -style deck with Lotleth Troll as a sac outlet plus early beater.

My point is, a Zombie deck can go in many directions. You have to have a rough idea of what deck you want to play. An aggro-zombie deck looks totally different from a more control-ish zombie based deck. Combo Zombies... I don't know if it's really possible, but I'm not going to say it's impossible :pYou also need to figure out a budget and how competitive you want it.

Let me know if I'm overthinking it here :p

November 19, 2013 8:50 a.m.

TheBolas says... #5

I was thinking just mono black, unless there is a better option out there.

November 19, 2013 5:14 p.m.

Khanye says... #6

jund zombies!

look up felipe tapia's deck from the last rotation...one of the most fun decks to play out there.

November 19, 2013 5:29 p.m.

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