$2,000 turns into $50
Economics forum
Posted on June 21, 2015, 7:27 p.m. by AdmiralAbzan
So I was talking to this guy on facebook and he said he had an old starter pack.
Obviously I was interested so I asked him to take pictures and then I went out to run some errands.
While I was gone it turns out the best we he thought to take pictures was to take the sealing off and open the thing...
Turned out to be an Unlimited Starter pack. There were a few decent items I traded for but not worth nearly as much if he hadn't broken the stupid seal...
canterlotguardian says... #4
How long had this guy been playing? And did he act like he knew how old the pack was?
June 21, 2015 7:52 p.m.
AdmiralAbzan says... #6
I freaked out and he didn't seem to really care as he had no clue what it was worth to begin with.
Epochalyptik says... #2
What was his reaction when you told him what he'd done?
June 21, 2015 7:46 p.m.