Arcbound Ravager hits 50

Economics forum

Posted on July 7, 2015, 5:59 a.m. by Boza

In the matter of several days, Arcbound Ravager went from the 25-30 range to nearly 50 as of right now. Is affinity that good? Is it just another buyout/speculation and its lack of MM2 printings?

GoofyFoot says... #2

L fucking O fucking L. I just traded my one i had away for $30 two days ago. to be fair I got a Ravnica Dark Confidant out of the trade, so....

I personally don't see why the affinity pieces are so popular right now. Affinity thrives in a control meta from what I've noticed, and aggro is definitely the meta of the day. Burn/zoo/Team CoCo provide really strong beatdown against the deck, not to mention the 2+ mainboard Qasali Pridemage. I own and play affinity, and do not feel that it is powerful enough in the current meta.

July 7, 2015 6:07 a.m.

Boza says... #3

Apparently, it was not 2 weeks, but just a few days ago that the price has changed.

Obvious speculation is obvious.

July 7, 2015 6:09 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #4

Affinity has always been one of the best decks in the meta though. It is really solid, effective, and pretty scary. $50 for this guy is steep but somewhat fair given that affinity is almost the aggro deck of choice right now. It's also a tad hardier than most others due to ravagers inbuilt sacrifice mechanic - making it not be exiled after path and being able to react to other removal pieces.

July 7, 2015 7:41 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #5

I belive there is speculation that Hangerback Walker works with it well enough to make Affinity better. There only seems to be few backing that thought to my knowledge though.

July 7, 2015 9:07 a.m.

8vomit says... #6

shit i still need 3 more. so do you guys think it will hold that price tag or go down in a few weeks?

July 7, 2015 9:38 a.m.

AdmiralAbzan says... #7

Affinity is about to become super powerful with Day's Undoing and even Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is super promising.

I'm guessing Day's Undoing will be banned soon after though it will be a brutal deck to play until then. Even with all the affinity SB hate.

July 7, 2015 5:02 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #8

Days undoing is not very good. Have tested.

July 7, 2015 5:43 p.m.

AdmiralAbzan says... #9

What barriers have you found? In my testing it has the ability to replenish hand size extremely fast though the deck may need to be adjusted a bit to compensate for it.

What about Kytheon? I think he has potential as he can commonly flip t2.

July 7, 2015 6:03 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #10

Any deck that plays instants can respond to days undoing on the stack by removing whatever threats you have on the board then drawing a new hand of 7, untapping their lands, and then with their new hand responding to anythign else you play in the following turn. With a meta full of Junk and Jund, Thoughtseize, Kolaghan's Command, Pyroclasm (also seen in Tron) and Inquisition of Kozilek are running rampant. Allowing your opponent to restock their hand and potentially draw into all of their 'answers' is really, really dangerous for a deck that dies to a single Shatterstorm. If affinity were harder to address then it would be fine, but as it stands it really suffers if Signal Pest and Arcbound Ravager go.

I think it may be fantastic in burn. But not so much in affinity.

Essentially any deck that is easy to answer doesn't want to be restocking the opponents hand. At the end of the day the affinity player can play out all the Memnites and Ornithopters they want but if their few wincons get answered (Cranial Plating, Arcbound Ravager, lesser extent Signal Pest) then they're stuck.

July 7, 2015 6:08 p.m. Edited.

Sleazebag says... #11

Affinity just won a large tournament.

That is why the prices jumped.

July 7, 2015 6:57 p.m.

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