Are $30 plastic boxes of cards at Target worth buying?

Economics forum

Posted on July 6, 2015, 11:19 p.m. by mageofvoid

I've seen plastic boxes at Target containing a bunch of cards for $30, they tend to have about 4 different foil rares that are in front of a bunch of cards that look like they're sealed together like they'd be in a pre-constructed deck. It seems like it would be fun to open so I'm tempted to buy one but I'd prefer to actually get my money's worth for it. Has anyone bought one recently/have any idea of how good whats inside is?

shinokyofu says... #2

They usually have 4 either intro pack decks, or occasionally Duel decks. Ive gotten an archenemy deck out of it, and my friend has gotten the Knights and Dragons duel deck. It depends on what your store had leftover in stock I think. Beware, because sometimes one of the 4 sets is just a deck of basic land. You can tell what you're getting by the rares on the outside, itll be the rest of the intro pack those cards came in.

July 6, 2015 11:23 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #3

Yeah, they're usually junk. Unless you can find a Champions of Kamigawa one. The best one has 2 Sensei's Divining Tops I believe. I don't know if all intro packs had those though

July 6, 2015 11:27 p.m.

mageofvoid says... #4

Thanks for the advice. The one I saw earlier looks like it was the Lavinia intro deck, the Spawn of Thraxes intro deck, the Vraska half of the Jace vrs. Vraska Duel Deck(minus Vraska, the assassin token was in front), and a mystery deck(I don't remember what was in front). I'll definitely look for them when I'm in Target but be cautious before buying one.

July 6, 2015 11:34 p.m.

ae0n5105 says... #5

I have purchased a few of these and typically they are mismatched duel decks or intro packs that were either returned (with missing cards/missing the included boosters) or were tampered with and had to be repacked (due to theft).I got a second Nicol Bolas deck (Ajani vs Nicol Bolas) and a Mirrodin besieged intro deck out of one of these. it was minus the foil Nicol Bolas planeswalker of course.IMHO 30 dollars would be better suited spent on a fat pack or singles you desperately need but it is my opinion.

July 6, 2015 11:40 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #6

If you're new to Magic and just need cards, yes, get this. If you already have a couple of decks that you like to play and / or play competitively already, don't waste your time.

July 6, 2015 11:49 p.m.

abenz419 says... #7

I wouldn't say that if your new and need cards then get it, because it depends on what you intend to play. If your a newer player, odds are your not going to be huge into modern or legacy. You'll probably be getting into standard, and it's highly unlikely that these random packages are going to contain standard legal cards. Then your essentially spending $30 to get a bunch of cards or a deck that you won't be able to play, which basically puts your right back where you started. Trying to acquire cards you can use.

I say pick them up if you can recognize what's in there and it's an intro deck or duel deck your actually interested in. I definitely wouldn't pick them up just to do it.... newer player or not.

July 7, 2015 12:04 a.m.

gleeson.token says... #8

I've bought a couple of them myself, and also noticed Walmart doing the same thing, but personally it was quite nostalgic for me. Using some older cards that I haven't seen in a while. But typically you are not getting your money's worth. Still, in terms of purchasing value, each deck goes for about 9.50 w/out boosters and rules etc. So 9.50x4=38.00 plus the two promos you're looking at a blank sales price of about 40 dollars. So you are technically saving ten dollars with the purchase. But the issue is becoming well is it still worth it or am I getting an intro pack that is valued at about 5.76? That comes to you, look at the foil cards in the front and search their intro packs for value and you might come up with one. I had gotten a few money cards here and there, Akroma from the Angels vs Demons Duel Decks, there's some Krenkos, a couple of Kawigama cards. It all depends on what your'e looking for.

July 7, 2015 12:40 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #9

I bought one a while back and found an original devour for power commander deck inside. It made my week.

Odds of it happening again: no idea.

July 7, 2015 1:07 a.m.

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