Best booster box set to get Burn lands and guildgates?

Economics forum

Posted on Nov. 16, 2013, 3:36 a.m. by JabaTheChris

So to keep the excitment of the card game alive I never buy individual cards. Right now I am trying to get more guildgates, scry temples, ect. I have done some research and it seems like Dragon Maze would be the best choice. I would like to know other players' opinions. Thank You! (I would prefer them to be standard)

Nigeltastic says... #2

I would say don't bother trying to get guildgates, as scry temples are strictly better. I would also say, I enjoy the excitement of booster packs too, but it's a waste of money to buy them just to get lands, especially guildgates that I'm sure most people will GIVE you, or sell for $.25 or so.

November 16, 2013 3:50 a.m.

GreatSword says... #3

The Q+A forum is for technical rules questions, not general Magic stuff.

The Scry lands are worth less than an actual booster; it seems insane to buy packs to try and pull specific cards.

November 16, 2013 3:56 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

Moved to Economics.

November 16, 2013 12:24 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #5

Buy singles, otherwise you're wasting your money. I love opening packs as much as the next guy, but it's still a gamble every time, and you open more packs trying to get to that Shockland, or Voice of Resurgence , or other high priced staple than the card is worth.

Booster boxes are great when a set comes out, instantly gives you a good cardpool from that set.

If you want to buy any box, I'd say Theros. You have the opportunity of getting the Scrylands you want, and there's a lot more value to be had in Theros as well, being as how 16 cards are worth more than a pack of cards. (Lowest being 4.19, pack of a booser being 4.00). There's also the famed Thoughtseize which is great if you ever want to get into modern as well, so that card holds eternal value. To some players that makes all the difference when trading.

IF you really don't care about value, DGM has a chance to get a shockland in every pack, in addition to everything, but you might only get 1 if you're lucky. The chances are really low. But you get a guildgate in every pack, and a chance to pull Voice. So I guess that box sums up your wants pretty well.

All in all, good luck

November 16, 2013 1:31 p.m.

zandl says... #6

Yeah. Unless you just want to get a large chunk of a set (I like to buy a box of a mostly interesting new set, to get a good deal of things at once), you're wasting your money.

I can't tell you how many times people try to justify buying packs to get just one Mythic and then shamelessly throw their money at Wizards trying to get it, when they could've bought a playset of the Mythic for the same amount online.

Buying singles up front seems expensive, but you'll always (extreme luck notwithstanding) wind up spending more on packs to get the same cards.

November 16, 2013 3:20 p.m.

vampirelazarus says... #7

Personally, I buy singles, after play testing a deck like crazy online.

If you are after the guildgates, however, ask people at your LGS. I know I've given away my fair share of them.

The temples, are a bigger problem, considering they are from Theros, and they are rares. I'd buy the playsets you need, rather than buy packs hoping for them.

November 16, 2013 3:50 p.m.

Snowblindblitz says... #8

I've got to second this, with one exception: Drafting. I love drafting, especially with friends, as you get the excitement of opening packs, and, at worse, some play out of sub-par cards and some blow-outs with the power cards.

Plus you can target sets you want cards out of. We've done two thero's drafts in two months, and, with a break for Christmas, will probably do some RTR block ones on the way to God's WIlling.

November 16, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #9

Opening packs is the best. Costs more, but it brings me back. You could spend just a little more and buy half of each. Either way, let me know what you decide, and what you get when you open them.

November 18, 2013 1:56 p.m.

HarbingerJK says... #10

I agree with Cobthecobbler I used to buy packs because it was exciting, but your odds of getting the specific cards you want is actually very low

November 19, 2013 4:01 p.m.

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