Best Choice
Economics forum
Posted on March 4, 2015, 1:17 p.m. by DarkMagician
I'm starting to sale on tcgplayer and wanted to buy a few boxes to stock a small inventory. I want to do standard so I can flip quick so I can increase the number of posts I can do at once. With all of this in mind which set is the best to buy right now?
SimicPower says... #3
If you're intent on the idea of buying boxes to fill your collection and want standard, I believe Khans of Tarkir still has a lot of value with all of those fetchlands Siege Rhinos and Dig Through Times, all of which are not mythic. Any of those cards would probably be pretty easy to sell, though you still will likely be losing money just because buying boxes is usually a bad investment.
Servo_Token says... #2
Pro tip: don't buy boxes.
If you want to start off on TCG, you should sign up for a bunch of trading sites first. PucaTrade is probably your best bet. There, you can trade away your junk rares into things that will sell, then sell those items on TCG; this will help you get the max value out of your collection. After you hit level 3 (Which takes maybe a couple months max), it's a lot easier to make small sales like those that you're going after. But single, big ticket items like 1 Blood Moon sell a lot easier than say 10 copies of Chained to the Rocks. And because you have your shipping costs to deal with, you're just losing money every time you list more than one of a certain item. So make some trade-ups first before you go trying to sell off your collection. It'll be a bit more work, but you end up with a lot higher profit in the end.
March 4, 2015 1:32 p.m.