BfZ Land Price Speculation
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 30, 2015, 2:15 a.m. by jpeachesd
Spoilers show us that we are getting the following in lands for BfZ:
25 full art promo lands (Rumored at a foil mythic rarity in packs) Consisting of Fetch Lands, Shock Lands, and 5 unknown lands
Full art Basic Lands
And a new cycle in friendly colors that reads
Prairie Stream
Land - Plains Island
(T: Add W or U to your mana pool.)
Prairie Stream enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or more basic lands.
How much do you feel these various lands will cost, how much affect may they have on the original, non-promo variants if any, and how much play will the new land cycle see outside of the realm of Standard?
SimicPower about right outside of the lands from the 25 expedition due to the fact that they're supposedly going to only appear a little more often than a foil mythic which really isn't often enough to stem the demand for zendicar fetch lands for modern play, though the foil versions might see a price change since collectors who like to fully foil/full art land their decks will probably want the new lands over the just foil fetches.
And the full art basics if they do the same thing they did to the first zendicar the market on them might not flood, but it will be rare to see a card shop not try to get as many copies they can behind the counter or to sell unlike sending them to the draft land stations, in fact you can probably make a decent amount of money by picking them up and selling them in bundles of 20-25 of the same art.
August 30, 2015 7:22 a.m.
The full art basics will be $1 each.
The new cycle will be around $10 each.
The full art shocks and fetches will be well over $100 each.
August 30, 2015 9:39 a.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #5
I doubt that the foils will affect the prices of the regular fetches at all. They're way too scarce.
They're also going to be expensive as balls. The judge promo fetches are currently sitting at 100-250, depending on which one you're looking at, and these are full arts with new art.
August 30, 2015 9:39 a.m.
I agree with ChiefBells spec except that I think the new cycle won't hold that value for too long, just too many other/better options.. great for edh or budget builds though.
The new full art shocks and fetches will be crazy expensive, as a collector myself I am actually considering buying boxes for the first time in a long just because of those. I know they won't pop up too much but it's waaay too tempting not to try an see. Plus, this set is already looking to be quite powerfull and most money can be made back by selling to standard players. Also, may buy a box or two and just sit on em for a while, resell value in a few years will be crazy.
August 30, 2015 1:20 p.m.
They are on pre order in the UK for almost exactly the prices I predicted.
You can pre order full art basics for 50 pence which is $1.
The new cycle are around 5 pounds which is about $10.
The full art shocks and fetches are various but are mainly around 50 pounds which is about $100.
August 30, 2015 1:22 p.m.
notamardybum says... #8
yeah... theres no doubt the price of the expedition foil fetchlands and shocks will be well over what the normal foil price is.
im not much of a collector, so im going to be thrilled if something like this is opened in a box. that would literally pay for the box itself, and everything else opened is just gravy... and i fucking love gravy.
August 30, 2015 1:31 p.m.
SimicPower says... #9
ChiefBell: Except that is just preorder prices. After hype dies down, and a lot of cards are opened, the prices should fall. Full art basics are $.50 on Starcity right now.
August 30, 2015 1:42 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #11
I want that full expedition cycle soo bad. I'm sure it'll cost me dearly, though. And they're printed at just a smidge above foil mythic frequency?? Yowch. I think I've personally pulled maybe six legit foil mythics from packs...and I've been playing since Gatecrash. And opened literally hundreds of packs. :( Perhaps thousands.
August 30, 2015 2:01 p.m.
TheNextRedDude says... #12
Those expeditions will justify me going to all of the drafts possible.
SimicPower says... #2
My guesses:
Non-foil full art basics: Extremely cheap; they will flood the market
New cycle: I don't play standard, so I won't price it based on that, but post rotation I would expect 2$-5$, the blue ones being the more expensive.
Promo lands: Same price as most recent foil printing.
Onslaught/Khans fetches will likely rise due to standard demand due to the new cycle. Zendikar fetches should drop slightly due to the reprints. I don't expect shocklands to drop, as they have not risen since they flooded the market in Return to Ravnica. Possibly very slight drops there. This also depends on how much BfZ is opened. I assume a lot. It will probably be the most opened set of all time (beating out Khans).
The new land cycle seems EDH playable, where, especially in less competitive groups, they can be fetchable checklands. Possibly fringe Modern playable, especially in budget builds. Obviously no legacy/vintage, as they have strictly better lands.
Those are my predictions. Anyone have any other ideas?
August 30, 2015 2:30 a.m.