BfZ Sealed Product
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 2, 2015, 12:16 a.m. by jcv13
Since the huge spoiler alert from PAX, BfZ booster boxes/cases have shot up already. I preordered mine at $90 prior to PAX, but some are already selling at $120 a box, a 33% increase. Some price checks ensued:
Amazon (Sold by Cosmic Oasis): $120
TCG (Cataclysm Games): $110 + $100 shipping?
StarCityGames: $115
ChannelFireball: $120
With that above, do you think the price will continue to climb, or has it already hit ceiling prior to BfZ seeing play? Will it continue to rise? Also, with full-art lands, expeditions, and new lands, will sealed product prices see a good rise over the next few years, in comparison to the norm?
But when it goes out of print... If you want an investment, sit on BFZ boxes for 3 years. They will be going for 400 probably by that time.
September 2, 2015 2:53 a.m.
eatyourbabes says... #4
This set is going to have a lot of long term value because of...
-Full Art Basic Lands
-Ulamag, The Infinitely Playable EDH Card
-New cycle of fetchable dual lands
-Expedition card lottery ($$$$)
So yes if you have the patience, finances, and discipline to buy, sit on and not open a few boxes for a few years it would be a worth while investment! As for right now though this is going to be the new set in print which means there will not be a shortage of it. There will be a huge rush to buy product for release week, but after that it should level out and be worth the usual $100
September 2, 2015 11:27 a.m.
magic_monicle says... #5
I Always see these prices online but my LGS always sells sealed product at msrp. Is that not the norm at most places? I would never buy a box online for 120 when I can just walk into my card shop on release day and buy it for 100 bucks and get it instantly.
September 2, 2015 1:29 p.m.
I'm not sure. After the expected value of Origins went up, that bounced to like $110 for a little bit. But I was unaware of boxes being over $100 at any time that set is current. I know they all rise after awhile. But I was curious to see others opinions on how much it will rise.
JakeHarlow says... #2
This is hype. WotC will likely print a ton of BFZ products. I'm quite certain that until it goes out of print, BFZ boxes will settle at the customary $100.
September 2, 2015 1:16 a.m.