booster boxes help

Economics forum

Posted on May 15, 2014, 7:45 p.m. by InfiniteParadoX

I know that booster boxes aren't generally an amazing investment, however since they are fun i would like to know which box (other than ravnica+theros block) would be the best investment.

Magiclover318 says... #2

Avacyn or Innistrad both are under 200 each, so it's relatively low for a box price

May 15, 2014 7:45 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

Do you want to open it?

May 15, 2014 8:17 p.m.

@ThatBlueMage yes, i do plan to open it. as for @Magiclover318 Avacyn and Innistrad are both interesting and fun sets, however i have drafted the block dozens of times and have sucked all the possible fun out of it, however the value is nice in those sets.

May 15, 2014 8:35 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #5

If you want to open it, I'd go for Future sight just because it's wacky, New phyrexia has some great value, Any of Alara block will get you good EDH cards, and either of the other scars block sets is pretty cheap and just fun to open.

May 15, 2014 8:41 p.m.

@ThatBlueMage yeah they seem like awesome sets, thanks for the help. what do you think on zendikar block? eldrazi seems fun jace is jace and fetches are a nice value chunk. i'll keep your suggestions in mind, but of those three, which is the best? i would like to compare whichever one that is to those other ideas.

May 15, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #7

If you can afford zendikar, open it

May 15, 2014 9:09 p.m.

@Magiclover318 yeah, thats what people have been telling me, i love the theme of zendikar but got into magic a bit too late because there is no easy access to those incredible sets.

May 15, 2014 9:15 p.m.

zandl says... #9

Innistrad for any box.

Probably Theros for Standard, with 5 Temples, Elspeth, Thoughtseize , and other good things.

May 15, 2014 9:39 p.m.

@zandl innistrad is fun, like i said, but i have opened so many packs of it. it is still a good idea. and i put in the discription that ravnica and theros are boring to me. the ravnica flavor is nice but the cards are boring, i feel the same to theros.

May 15, 2014 10:13 p.m.

If price isn't a terribly serious concern, Modern Masters boxes have great value, provided you don't brick out with your rares. You seem to enjoy Drafting, and MM was literally designed as a draft set.

You'll probably spend more than you receive in terms of raw card value, but I've heard great things about the MM draft format.

May 15, 2014 10:15 p.m.

@NobodyPicksBulbasaur yeah, MM is fun, but because i'm selfish i would hate to see my friend walk away with a foil goyf while i got an angel's grace or like you said just a brick rare. also, i ALWAYS pick Bulbasaur.

May 15, 2014 10:20 p.m.

IzexD says... #13

Alpha ;-D

May 15, 2014 10:56 p.m.

Legends! Great stuff in there. Chain Lightning , Karakas , The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale , Nether Void , Chains of Mephistopheles .

Also Arabian Nights and Antiquities. Library of Alexandria , Mishra's Workshop , Candelabra of Tawnos , and more reside in those sets.

May 16, 2014 3:56 a.m.

@aeonstoremyliver money isn't a huge problem, but you are suggesting ARABIAN NIGHTS AND ANTIQUITIES Money is not a big issue, but those are thousands of dollars.

May 16, 2014 7:09 a.m.

shuflw says... #16

you might also want to save up and go for conspiracy which comes out in 3 weeks. no standard or modern cards in it (unless there are legal reprints), but it will have edh playable and legacy legal cards. it's also another set designed to be drafted, and will certainly be cheaper than some of the older or more popular boxes listed here. you could pick up a few and get more drafts for your money.

May 16, 2014 9:43 a.m.

Yeah, I looked up Legends booster boxes and they go for around $6,000.00 and about $167.00 a pack. I'm sure Antiquitites and Arabian Nights are similar.

Modern Masters is around $330 a box or so. Overall good value in the set, but only 24 boosters a box.

May 16, 2014 2:30 p.m.

@aeonstoremyliver yeah, thats my other issue with MM is the loss of packs, so i'll likely stick to singles of the Golden set.

May 16, 2014 4:12 p.m.

jpgcoleman says... #19

What's the budget? Urza's Saga's got some nice stuff. Of the cheaper boxes AR looks the best overall to me.

May 16, 2014 5:19 p.m.

@jpgcoleman the budget is like 300-400$

May 16, 2014 9:12 p.m.

Dunno how much Worldwake is, but there's lots of value in that set. Man lands, JtMS of course, Stoneforge Mystic , Avenger of Zendikar , and every pack has a full art land!

May 17, 2014 1:54 a.m.

@aeonstoremyliver unfortunatly, Worldwake is worth around 700$ so a "bit" out of budget, i really like the stuff in the set though :(

May 17, 2014 7:38 a.m.

Dang I set the bar high lol. Hey, tell us what you're gonna get and let us know your awesome pulls!

May 17, 2014 8:26 a.m.

00xtremeninja says... #24

just get seventeen boxes of Homelands. Then to mimic the feeling of Vegas, you take every card opened from those boxes and start flushing them down the toilet one by one, and then when the toilet backs up and starts spitting out soggy cards you'll feel like a winner!

credit to Lewis Black for the inspiration behind this post.

May 17, 2014 2:11 p.m.

@00extremeninja homelands is the best set ever printed it has Didgeridoo ! not much else but still. lol its such a trainwreck of a set. but i like the idea

May 17, 2014 9:41 p.m.

@aeonstoremyliver will do! unfortunately it's not going to be for a few weeks, however i would love to share the maybe epic, maybe miserable pulls.what's the best thing you've ever pulled? i got a foil Domri Rade recently, i shouted so loud i got yelled at. thanks also for being helpful :)

May 17, 2014 9:48 p.m.

Niiiiccce! The first pack of Rise of the Eldrazi I opened I got a Gideon Jura . First Scars of Mirrodin pack a Wurmcoil Engine .

The most epic pulls were with some friends and I. We each got three packs of Avacyn Restored for Pack Wars. I pulled Griselbrand , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , and Sigarda, Host of Herons . One friend pulled a Bonfire of the Damned and the other a Cavern of Souls . I was elated, they were slightly happy lol.

And Homelands was jank other than Autumn Willow and Baron Sengir . There was a red Legendary creature that was good, too. Fallen Empires was much worse...

May 18, 2014 12:13 a.m.

@aeonstoremyliver yeah i know homelands was junk, i was just joking. Didgeridoo is good in tribal though. Cavern of Souls is 20$ though, i know grisel avacyn and sigarda are worth more, but hey 20$ is 20$.

May 18, 2014 8:15 a.m.

Minotaur tribal may actually be viable in EDH with the Theros block.

Yeah, by buddy is hard pressed to come off Cavern lol.

May 18, 2014 8:21 a.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #30

@InfiniteParadoX, wrt Modern Masters, if you don't want to see your friends walk away with a 'goyf, there's a simple solution. Since you paid for the box, it's yours. Tell them that they can draft it with you for free, but you're keeping all the cards.

They get a fun play experience, you get your shot at a shiny toy. Everybody wins.

May 18, 2014 11:45 a.m.

@Named_Tawyny yeah, that was a solution i considered. Definitely possible, but we draft all the time for free with each other and it would sound kinda greedy.

May 18, 2014 11:48 a.m.

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