Brimaz Price
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 8:30 p.m. by VileVulture
Is Brimav expected to go down in price because i know he is a good card but he is not Voice of Resurgence good, he can be killed easily.
Isn't Voice of Resurgence just as easily killed though? But yeah I think brimaz will go down in price its mainly hype from a new card. I don't think it'll drop a ton but a few bucks.
February 20, 2014 8:39 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #4
Voice is just as easily killed, but leaves a much more prominent secondary presence. Get rid of the cat king, and what are you left with? a couple 1/1s?
Sure, Brimaz is a really really good tempo card, but I wouldn't say that he's the greatest thing since Sphinx's Revelation . For standard play, I'd put him on about the same threat level as Blood Baron, which also isn't the most difficult thing to deal with. That being said, I feel that his price will eventually get down to about the $15-20 that Blood baron is once his novelty rubs off.
Although if he does make a splash in Modern, you can expect him to not move much.
February 20, 2014 8:51 p.m.
Blood baron is easy to deal with?
A 4/4 lifelink with pro black?
How is something with pro black and white ever 'easy' to deal with?
February 20, 2014 8:55 p.m.
Sorry you said not the most difficult instead easy.
I'm still dubious about that claim.
I really think that Brimaz is bread and butter. He's basic but just such a staple. He's really, really solid. He does something useful and has above average P/T.
February 20, 2014 8:59 p.m.
Until Journey Into Nyx is literally being spoiled, Brimaz, King of Oreskos has no competition in being the 'chase card' of the set, and no amount of decklist's running 4x Doom Blade and 4x Ultimate Price can hope to drive his price down before then.
I completely agree with ChiefBell that Brimaz is worthy of his lofty price tag, at least for now.
Also, Brimaz, King of Oreskos dies to less things than Voice of Resurgence based on his 4 toughness compared to Voice's 2, Brimaz is much tougher to burn away when looking at things like Anger of the Gods . Voice is a 2/2 which open's it up to Last Breath which Brimaz, King of Oreskos conveniently dodges, something far too many quality creatures are falling victim to these days. *see Nightveil Specter and Mutavault .
While Voice of Resurgence came out when we still had access to Thragtusk and Lingering Souls getting value out of cheap refundable creature tokens was all the rage and I'm sure lent to the rise in it's price.
The closest thing Brimaz, King of Oreskos as to call a home would be a generic white weenie deck, or just mono-white aggro, and one of the only other cards in standard to share that strong mono-white attribute is Archangel of Thune which is why we're seeing them combo'd together almost immediately after the set released.
Voice of Resurgence is unique in that it has already shown itself to be playable in eternal formats and thus 'locked in' it's price for the foreseeable future, much in the way Liliana of the Veil not only went up, but was solidified as a modern staple.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos isn't Voice of Resurgence nor are they technically comparable, other than both having been a 'chase card' out of a set. Just sayin.
February 20, 2014 9 p.m.
I think that Brimaz will quite easily find a home somewhere in one of the eternal formats. Somewhere.
February 20, 2014 9:02 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #9
By "Not the most difficult thing to deal with", I meant that it dies to a lot. Mizzium Mortars , Rapid Hybridization , Turn / Burn , Domri Rade fights, Hell even Deadly Recluse kills it. Blood baron is not AEtherling . AEtherling is hard to get rid of.
Typically Voice and Brimaz are compared because they are the chase cards, in a particularly bad set. In this sense, you are right in pointing out that they are very different, but I believe that OP pulled that comparison out of other discussions where the two were compared for their expected value in a "bad" small set.
February 20, 2014 9:09 p.m.
I don't think any of the cards you mentioned are particularly played except Domri Rade and Mizzium Mortars and both in GR monstrous. Even then Domri Rade relies on something else being down. Having said that, Mizzium Mortars is a great answer to it.
I wouldn't really counter Deadly Recluse , Rapid.H or T/B because I just haven't seen them used a whole lot. As in - they're not 'meta' cards.
February 20, 2014 9:11 p.m.
@ChiefBell Agreed, if I saw Rapid Hybridization I'd be facing Mono-Blue Devotion, and likely wouldn't have sided in Brimaz, as racing mono-blue is a fools errand.
Turn / Burn is a great card but as you mentioned does not see enough play to warrant discussing it, even when looking at sb tech.
Deadly Recluse is serious business.
Domri Rade fight and/or Mizzium Mortars will be a factor when facing any G/R strategy as those are some of the best options in those colors. I think the word I'm looking for is 'Staple'.
February 20, 2014 9:18 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #12
Deadly Recluse is actually becoming real tech around me. Last week at the county tournament, I saw at least 7 different green players with it in their 75, so it's something that I need to start accounting for. (85 players on the floor, and only about 11 of them ran decks with any green at all.)
I haven't seen enough standard event coverage in the last 2 weeks to now if the rest of the world has caught on yet, but it's a pretty big thing here.
February 20, 2014 9:24 p.m.
Does any deck stop running creatures because domri can potential fight them? Of course not. Ordinarily the G/R player would love to just tick up Domri and potentially draw a creature that turn, instead you've forced them to use his alternate mode and now there locked into that strategy going forward. Granted if they have a creature with a power of 4, they could just sit back and defend Domri, who knows though, Detention Sphere seems to come down on Domri fairly regularly, running white for Brimaz is half way to the color requirements of a D-sphere. If the G/R player can develope a board that allows him to take out a Brimaz via a Domri fight, I would expect the G/R player to take it, that doesn't make Brimaz, King of Oreskos bad in any way however, as nearly any creature can be killed this way if given the proper settings.
February 20, 2014 9:34 p.m.
Deadly recluse is NOT serious business, but brimaz will go down in price. Why? That's how magic pricing works, I guess. It's not going to find any more interest than it has.
February 20, 2014 10:04 p.m.
There's a variety of reasons why deadly recluse is actually a fantastic card for green right now. Main one being that aggro is seeing a resurgance and midrange decks need an early drop that staves off white weenies with like a million Ethereal Armor s on them. deadly recluse does this quite well. If the meta does shift towards quicker decks then the recluse will see more play.
There's also no evidence that Brimaz won't find more interest than it already has. Many people pick up cards much later and fit them into existing decks - causing price spikes. He's going to remain a fantastic card for a long time. Someone, somewhere might fit him into a modern deck that no one else has thought of before. That'll create new interest. In a creative game with an extremely large set of possibilities it's inaccurate to say that interest peaks as soon as a card is released.
February 20, 2014 10:18 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #16
The price of a card and how good it is are certainly related, but it doesn't exactly tell the whole story. AEtherling has made many a player weep, but it's currently sitting at $3, while Nightveil Specter was a junk rare until Devotion came around but is now $10. Why? Because AEtherling is a one- or two-of in the decks that it's played in, and it's currently the #80 most-played card in Standard according to Nightveil Specter is almost always a 4-of and the #4 most played card thanks to the popularity of MUD and MBD. It doesn't matter that would most would agree that AEtherling is the better card of the two. If we remember back to our Economics 101 classes, Price is determined by Supply ("Rarity" in MTG-land) and Demand.
Because of this, I predict that Brimaz will see a drop in price unless it makes an unexpected splash in other formats. First off, it's Legendary, which means that decks using him will probably only want 2 or 3. Also, White is currently used primarily in control decks, in which case Brimaz is a 2-of on the side at best. Otherwise, there's Orzhov Midrange- again, he's probably a 2-of- which is tier 1.5 or 2, and Selesnya Aggro, which is also hovering around Tier 1.5. I'm not convinced that White Weenie is ready to make the leap to tier 1 just yet. Unless White decks start winning big tournament after big tournament, Brimaz's price is destined to fall into the $15-$20 range by the time Journey comes out.
February 21, 2014 5:17 a.m.
Personally, I think $40 is a little high for Brimaz, King of Oreskos . However, he is definitely a worthy 3-Drop.
One thing to consider is that he is in a set where, only a few weeks after release, only 13 cards are above $5. (Using StarCityGames for comparison reference... other site may have less than 13 at that price point)
So people willing to invest in any cards are going to invest in the 3-4 cards that appear playable and/or collectable... which means he's probably slightly over inflated at the moment, along with Kiora and the Gods.
If these cards start seeing more play in tournament winning decks, their prices may stay where they are, otherwise I would expect them to fall by 25%-50% over the next month or so, as the "newness" and "hype" dies off.
February 21, 2014 8:11 a.m.
Dalektable says... #18
Although it is unfortunate for me, i believe Brimaz, King of Oreskos will hold his price, and if he drops it will only be a few dollars once the hype is done with. He is an amazing card all around, and i can't wait to see what decks spark around him (or utilizing him). Personally i am predicting that azorius aggro will become a thing. I've built the deck and have been playtesting it and it seems pretty solid. Runs things like Brimaz, Daxos of Meletis (a highly underrated card), Ephara, God of the Polis (incredibly synergy with brimaz and Precinct Captain ), removal like Detention Sphere and topping out the curve with an Archangel of Thune . It's a scary deck, maybe just one i stumbled upon but i think it's going to become a force in standard.
February 21, 2014 8:30 a.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #19
I'm going to have to agree with ThatBlueMage & ChrisHansonBiomancin, it will drop. No evasion, legendary, no impact on etb, not easily splashed, no competitive archetype that he becomes an instant 4x in, and every top deck in standard has multiple answers for him. With this information it is safe to assume he will drop. He could jump with JOU and M15 but that's baseless speculation. Modern isn't using him it appears so there's little demand from that demographic of players.
He is very comparable in terms of impact on the board, impact on the standard format, and value to Polukranos, World Eater . Both legendary creatures that are above curve in terms of p/t to cmc, neither has haste or an etb effect, and neither has evasion or any form of protection. Polukranos has a removal ability stapled onto it and can grow bigger, 3 mana kills almost all creatures 5/5 or less including Brimaz, King of Oreskos . Being included in DD: Heroes vs Monsters decreases his cash value. Brimaz can create card advantage slowly and that is what makes him great on top of his body. On the competitive scene I wouldn't assume you will see a token when playing him though. Right now he seems best at playing defense and slowing the game down. The only commonly played removal spell he survives is Bile Blight .
Hype, low supply, and evaluating the card in a vacuum is the reason his price tag is where it's at. He should end up between $12-20 as the weeks go by. As you can see though the majority feel it's worth $30 or more and that is another variable that adds value to it regardless of what is printed on the card. With a very small amount of competitive tourneys being completed hype is a bigger factor than results right now. So far he really only showed up in the sideboard of U/W which will not keep him at $30. There are some W/U and W/G builds with him that show potential but haven't gotten to prove themselves yet and maybe won't without support in the following sets, in my opinion this is where he fits best.
Pretty long winded answer so
TL;DR Everything points to him dropping in price, $12-$20 sounds right. He is an individually powerful card and that means he could stay above $20 or spike back up after a fall very similar to Archangel of Thune .
February 21, 2014 1:54 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #20
Brimaz won't fall below $25 while he's standard legal. A lot could happen to the Modern format between now and Theros rotation, and if Brimaz finds a place in Modern he'll probably stay around $40.
ChiefBell says... #2
Both can be killed easily. It's likely he'll see a lot of play in both standard and perhaps modern. If he does see play his price will not go down. I for one think that he an exceedingly strong 3 drop and is worth his high value.
February 20, 2014 8:38 p.m.