Brimaz's price
Economics forum
Posted on Oct. 18, 2014, 12:19 a.m. by abenz419
What kind of long term value does Brimaz, King of Oreskos have? I need something else for my mardu midrange deck that can apply lots of pressure on it's own and I feel like Brimaz would fit that role. But before I start testing and start looking for them I wanted to know what some speculation on his price tag might be. I realize he's from a set that was hardly opened at all and he's a mythic rare which is why his price has been so high, but considering what I'd have to give up to get some right now I want to know how to value him. If his price is maintained by his rarity and standard alone then I don't want to give up a bunch of stuff I know will hold value. I'd rather just look for other options if it's not going to be worth it. I realize needing him and being able to play him now adds value but like I said I'd rather hold on to what I have now with future value than pick up something I know I won't get a good return on when I'm done with it.
ColdHeartedSith says... #3
I honestly don't think he is ever going to be more than he is now. He will probably drop he was just like his sets best or top pick but he is just good in my book not O.P , he isn't a True-Name Nemesis
October 18, 2014 12:36 a.m.
I'm not so sure about the $25 price tag while in standard. That's the lowest he's been since Born of the Gods was released and his price is currently rising because of people using him in Abzan and Mardu midrange builds. His median price right now on TCG is just over $32 and his price on SCG is at $35 so the question is how much Modern and/or legacy play does he actually see? If I can get them before they go up any more and and they end up being a $25-30 card after rotation then I'd probably pick them up. If it's only seeing fringe play and not something that will ever see heavy play then it's likely to be a $10-15 dollar card after rotation just because of the limited supply and not really worth the investment I'd have to put into them at the moment.
October 18, 2014 1:08 a.m.
It sees play in hatebear builds I believe, and possibly in Maverick? I'm really not sure, you'd have to look it up yourself. I think he'll drop below $30 while in Standard, and below $20 after he rotates. Might stick around that range though.
Then again, a card like Linvala, Keeper of Silence is a sideboard card in some decks in Modern, but it's still $50 so
October 18, 2014 1:16 a.m.
JonathanSamurai says... #6
I want to build a cat tribal for Theros block. I build block-themed decks around white and/or red. But he is crazy expensive right now because so many standard decks are using him. Goblin Rabblemaster was like a $4 card pre-order but has also jumped. Both cards are staples for their respective colors in Standard but should drop post rotation. Thundermaw, Vexing Devil were ridiculous from Avacyn era and Boros Reckoner was big for a while. Those cards dropped in various degrees. I guess what I'm getting at is, is there a card used in the same types of decks better than this card in modern? That will determine where it's value settles.
October 18, 2014 1:28 a.m.
@Goody - But that's because Linvala sees modern mainboard, legacy, and EDH play too.
October 18, 2014 2:52 a.m.
Linvala sees play in a ton of different formats. Brimaz is acceptable in modern but often not optimal. He should drop to about $10-$15 post rotation. While in standard I can see him being $25-$30. He's good in the current meta, right colours, decent body, useful ability. Post rotation he won't be played much but will be a little. I've seen him in bad pod lists and hatebears a bit but I still think Blade Splicer is just better.
October 18, 2014 8:25 a.m.
Seraphicate says... #9
He's gonna probably stay 25-30's during service in standard, then drop to about 15's or so for a while after rotation. Will likely climb back up eventually, since demand usually remains the same, and supply isn't limitless (BoTG wasn't too popular with a lot of people).
October 18, 2014 9:30 a.m.
There's very little demand for brimaz outside of standard though......
October 18, 2014 10 a.m.
Seraphicate says... #11
Although that's true, I'm sure someone somewhere wants brimaz's in their token/soldier deck. He might not see competitive play outside standard, but you shouldn't underestimate the power of casual players :)
October 18, 2014 10:05 a.m.
Yeah actually, I see his price as similar to Huntmaster of the Fells Flip . Chase mythic from a bad set, sees fringe play in Modern, now it's less than 10 bucks. This really sucks too because I have two and I want a third for Standard :(
October 18, 2014 8:13 p.m.
superkamiguru7506 says... #13
I always thought Brimazs was over priced. his only contribution to standard before khans was keeping mono red from becoming a thing, I mean it was there but not like mono blue or mono black, until just now he hasn't been in one of the major decks. If you go by major tourneys and deck list he's way behind a lot of cards this is definitely changing at least for the time being.right now his price makes a little more sense because of what's winning big events in standard but he still not the biggest threat in those decks. He'll probably maintain most of his value for a while but after he rotates out I can't see him being much more than ten
Goody says... #2
He has seen play in Modern and/or Legacy, so he's not a purely Standard card. That being said, his price post rotation probably won't stay over $20. He's likely to be ~$25 while in Standard, IMO.
October 18, 2014 12:35 a.m.