Chandra, Flamecaller future?
Economics forum
Posted on April 17, 2016, 9:18 p.m. by KB2187
Given the dominance of white in the current standard meta, do you think she will start to drop in price? I have a playset which I got prerotation because I was hoping for Red Eldrazi to be a little more dominant, and am wondering if I should start to think about cutting my losses with her.
Well thus far you probably have not lost anything so idk what you mean by cutting your loses and UR control is good and plays her I think she will continue to see play
April 17, 2016 9:53 p.m.
Chandra is $25.50 at the moment. After it's no longer in standard anymore, it will be around $8-14. I would personally get rid of them sooner than later if you're heartset on getting rid of them.
Atony1400 I don't see Nissa, Voice of Zendikar seeing much play outside of standard and EDH. In modern, it just doesn't do enough. A +1/+1 counter on your whole team feels weak unless you have more than one creature in play, and with just two, that's still 3 mana that only added two power and toughness to your boardstate. I would describe her as situational. If you get more than one activation of your planeswalker in the modern format, you usually pay that respect to the other cards you're playing, not the planeswalker. Nissa can make a blocker for herself, but to what end? Chump block, leaving yourself nothing else to benefit from her minus ability? Probably will be about $7-10 after standard rotation for EDH appeal.
Atony1400 says... #2
I don't believe she will see play outside of Standard, unlike Nissa, Voice of Zendikar.
April 17, 2016 9:25 p.m.