Chase Uncommon/Commons for M15 and Theros Block

Economics forum

Posted on Sept. 18, 2015, 2:33 a.m. by KB2187

What are some of the chase uncommon/commons I should snatch for eternal formats? I got back in at M15 and held off as much as possible for getting into standard until now. But I also play Modern so any insight would be great!

Boza says... #2

IF you want to make out like a bandit from rotation, you are much better off targeting stuff that is mythic. For uncommons, Ensoul Artifact and Stoke the Flames come to mind. For mythics, investing in all the theros gods is a good idea, as they are cheap and have great EDH/casual appeal.

September 18, 2015 2:49 a.m.

golgarigirl says... #3

Rares and mythics are a lot better investment targets...they see larger price bumps in the long run. If any of these uncommons/commons reaches $1 more than you bought it, that's a large leap for these guys.

It may not be exactly chase, but I've been buying any Burnished Hart I can find at a low price...the thing is perfect for EDH. All my friends know how I feel about this little deer, and I've gotten them hooked as well. I only looked briefly at uncommons, but Destructive Revelry, Drown in Sorrow, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Bile Blight, Military Tactics, Ensoul Artifact, Stoke the Flames, and the Slivers all hold promise as well.

I also tend to get a good number of unique effects if I can find them at bulk prices...good cards with Bestow, Heroic, Constellation, Devotion, or are Archetypes are all unique and likely won't be printed again in the near future.

September 18, 2015 8:24 a.m.

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