Cheapest MtG Sealed Products
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2015, 11:07 p.m. by addaff
One day I let it slip that I can preorder fat packs for $27 and boxes for $90. People seemed really interested in how I get it for that cheap. That got me wondering, how much is everyone else paying for their fat packs or boxes?
As consumers we want to get our "product" as cheap as possible. We also don't benefit by keeping these "cheap" places to ourselves. Usually these places are smaller shops, not the ones your play your Magic at, or slightly out of your range. So without word of mouth these places will end up closing shop. Means no more cheap "products" for you.
The meaning of this thread is have you guys or gals to use and search your local area. Check out the websites of these local shops and find out which stores have the best prices. Then let us know what you find. Preorders or once the set is out, don't matter, what matters is how much your paying.
(P stands for preorders and WO stands for when the set is out.)
Blue Island, IL - P $27/$90, WO $35/$95
Epochalyptik says... #3
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
August 2, 2015 11:13 p.m.
I am in southern Illinois and my shops chard 40 for fat packs which I believe is pretty common and 90-100 sometimes 80 for a box
August 2, 2015 11:14 p.m.
Try the search out see if you can find yourself something cheaper. Post city, state, prices, and website. I'll update my orginal post with that information.
August 2, 2015 11:21 p.m. Edited.
$80 from judges, $85 preorder, $90regular
I can also get a lotta things for 10% above cost and will be getting boxes for $80 shortly
August 2, 2015 11:47 p.m.
GreenGhost says... #7
Collectorscache does preorders boxes for 90 and ships for 12 or so.
addaff says... #2
Blue Island, IL Fat packs $27 preorder / $35 when out. Boxes $90 / $95 when out
August 2, 2015 11:12 p.m.