Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 10, 2015, 11:04 p.m. by asasinater13
I've got a playset of collected companies I have no plans to use, is now an okay time to trade them, or are they likely to go up in the next 6 months? I don't want to regret trading them quickly, but if they're not going to rise any time soon I'd rather just have cards I'm going to play
asasinater13 says... #3
alright. I was thinking of waiting for a pro tour to see if it could do well in standard to cause a price rise. any chance it drops?
September 10, 2015 11:34 p.m.
It's unlikely that it will down much more, maybe down to $8 or so. I would just wait until BFZ comes out to see if CoCo Allies will be a thing. If it does, CoCo could go up more.
September 10, 2015 11:50 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #5
They're at a depressed price right now from their printing in the Clash pack. They will go back up, they see play in Modern. If you really, really need to trade right now I guess it's ok, but I'd explore all your other options before even considering it.
September 11, 2015 1:34 a.m.
actiontech says... #6
It seems safe to hold onto these indefinitely. They're played in several modern decks and will be popular in standard until they rotate. I highly doubt they'll ever be any cheaper than they are right now.
September 11, 2015 9:34 a.m.
It's got so much eternal value, they're definitely something I would prefer to keep right now. They're a good investment.
September 11, 2015 10:02 a.m.
considering how it only sees play in standard and modern its fine but i dont see it going much higher than 10-12 especially outside of standard
September 11, 2015 10:06 a.m.
actiontech says... #9
Remember it's a 4-of in decks that play it though. That's not insignificant. Modern elves got a huge boost from this card + Origins. Zoo is out there. Podless Pod is still out there. I'm still trying to figure out how to cram it into affinity haha
Oh, and I'm not just talking here. I picked up 8 foils for ~$7/ea. I'm not planning on selling them for a long time.
September 11, 2015 10:49 a.m.
the thing that people forget though is yeah its in a lot of decks but those arent top decks just because a tier 4 deck got an upgrade to tier 2 doesnt mean ita million dollar card. It wont lose favor after standard but itll lose price
September 11, 2015 10:55 a.m.
No, it'll retain price. I don't think you really know how good this card is.
September 11, 2015 11:13 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #12
@EmblemMan: It sees Modern play as a four-of, and is irreplaceable in the decks that run it. The fact that those decks aren't tier 1 doesn't change this; that just means it won't be as expensive as rares in decks that are tier 1.
September 11, 2015 12:31 p.m.
ComradeJim270 Yeah I ddint say it wasnt played or that it isnt necessary for those decks but the fact that those decks arent tier one do in fact affect the price of that card not in comparison to other cards but the price of that card. If it isnt played in good decks it isnt going to be an expensive card. The point of this thread is to talk about the potential increase in price of collected company if it does not see any tier 1 play or start winning tournaments no it will not go up with how easily accessible it is in terms of reprints. Also the fact that it is only played in a certain type of deck a certain style or archetype:aggro or combo affects its price the more versatile the more sought after it will be.
September 11, 2015 12:43 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #14
That all affects how high it's going to go, but the only reason it's this low in the first place is because of the Clash Pack. It's will not drop in price, the only place for it to go is up as it becomes less available. To suggest it's going to be even cheaper than this long-term is absurd. Rares that see play even in Tier 2 decks do retain value post-rotation.
And aggro is about half the Modern meta.
September 11, 2015 12:50 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #15
yeah I think I'll just wait until someone does well in a standard pro tour with it, then the price will rise a lot and it'll be a good time to trade.
September 11, 2015 2:12 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #16
You need to pay attention to Modern, too. It's used in that format as well.
September 11, 2015 2:51 p.m.
ComradeJim270 Its not absurd to see it go down post rotation it will lose believe it or not a good section of its demand and people will be trading them off in thousands. Yes it only went down to the clash pack that we know of but that is a mass release not a set printing and it destroyed the price. Modern does not soley determine the price of a card yeah itll go up if its used in both formats but itll also go down if one of those formats are gone. Eternal format does not mean eternal price and thinking that a card can only go up just because it sees play in modern is equally as absurd.
September 11, 2015 5:16 p.m.
EmblemMan, give it a rest. It's not gonna go down from where it is now because of it's playability in modern. That's not very hard to see based on recent decks in Modern.
September 11, 2015 5:45 p.m.
actiontech says... #19
"Eternal format does not mean eternal price and thinking that a card can only go up just because it sees play in modern is equally as absurd."
Possibly the least accurate statement I've ever seen on this website. If CoCo doesn't get banned in modern it will a) maintain it's current value and b) continually gain value until a reprint which seems highly unlikely in the next couple of years AT LEAST. The fact that a foil is currently at nearly a 4X multiplier is proof that modern players know it's power level.
Honestly EmblemMan this entire chain of posts is starting to make me think you unloaded yours for pennies on the dollar and are working hard to convince yourself you didn't make a mistake. Could just be me projecting because I am doing the same thing with flip Jace, although at least I traded them for Flooded Strands.
September 11, 2015 5:56 p.m.
Honestly thats fine you guys can say im wrong and keep your notion of "its played in modern" that by itself is not nearly a reason for it to keep its price post rotation when it is also seeing the same amount of play in standard. You guys dont have to agree with me but its ignorant to base card prices off of just that reason and im trying to show you guys that there are other factors and other reasons for card prices to fluctuate naturally. I dont need to convince you guys that my opinion is correct or that youre wrong im just trying to bring some insight to this one track mind website. Ive seen this exact argument pan out in my favor multiple times on this website and other arguments that werent necessarily about card price speculation that ended up being wrong because people hear one opinion from someone they trust but its a very generic, unresearched, and sometimes just wrong opinion. Anyway its fine, if im wrong im wrong I dont care if im wrong i have no attachment to the card nor any kind of investment in fact I made money when i figured they would go up due to standard play AND modern play. I do however care whether or not someone bothers to give a reason to card prices other than it sees play in modern. I guess we will see in time. Oh and by the way if you think that coco will get banned in modern any time soon that is a huge joke I wont even get into that but I did have to say this because that is the farthest thing from the truth about any card ive heard in quite awhile.
September 11, 2015 6:45 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #21
the thing is there aren't very man modern tournaments that drive a dekc's price up, like slivers doing well didn't actually hike CoCo even though it was part of the deck. it needs to find its place in standard to do well.
also I'm fairly confident it sees more modern play than standard play. abzan aggro doesn't usually run CoCo, it doesn't have a place in the competitive standard meta (that I'm aware of)
September 12, 2015 1 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #22
Dude, EmblemMan... did you even read these posts or do you just have an axe to grind? You're saying it won't be banned? Nobody said it would be.
It's not just that it's played in Modern. It's played in Modern to an extent and in a fashion that tends to create long-term value for cards, and as asasinater13 pointed out it's actually had a bigger impact on Modern than Standard. This is quantitatively true; Abzan Rally and some other fringe decks run it in Standard. It's used in a tiny part of the meta. In Modern it's used in multiple decks, and Abzan Company alone already has it beaten compared to Standard usage.
It's price is reflective of its value in a format outside of Standard and so it's unlikely to drop with rotation. Demand will remain, supply will diminish. The single most basic principle of economics is that when demand outstrips supply, price will rise.
You're of course allowed to offer your "insight", but if you're going to do in the form of punctuation-light rants that effectively amount to "U R WRONG I KNOW EVERYTHING" there's really no reason to do so. Nobody's going to buy that childish shit. Just save your time and everybody else's.
People aren't disagreeing with you because they're parroting opinions, they're disagreeing with you because all evidence is that you're wrong and don't know what the hell you're talking about. People are quite willing to call you on it simply because you're being a jackass.
September 12, 2015 3:34 a.m.
ComradeJim270 when you argue with people you should refrain from insulting them it takes away from your point. Also youre joking right? This is an actual joke right? First off the point above my comment did mention "if it is not banned..." this implies that they believe it would be banned. Ok well youre already wrong should I continue? Theres no standard playability. The similar style decks that run it in modern run it in standard even if they are just worse versions. Elves, GW aggro, and 4 color coco and other decks that can support it. Do these decks put up tournament results? No but neither do the 2 or 3 modern decks that support it. Also implying that abzan aggro should or could run it is a joke and shows you do not follow standard at all just because it says aggro does not mean that little white beaters is the premise of the deck. Absolutely everything you said in your last post was either wrong or just simply insulting me and thats a joke. Let me know when you really have an argument to give me instead of your unresearched, vague, uninformed, modern fanboy point of view. Goodbye.
September 12, 2015 10:44 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #24
@EmblemMan: Alright, it's very evident you did not really read my post either since you're actually responding to points I never made or even implied. In some cases, you're making the exact same point I did as though I claimed the opposite. You're either choosing not to understand or you're incapable of doing so. I don't care which it is, and I especially don't care if my calling you out on your shit hurts your precious little feelings. You may be here to have your ego stroked, but I'm not here to help you with that.
September 12, 2015 11:11 a.m.
That made no sense if you read my post youd see that I responded to you pointing out no one said itd be banned, that it isnt played in standard as much as modern, and then I mentioned that you just didnt understand what you are talking about. If you cant see those points in your own post I can quote them for you but either way I am done with this Im pretty sure you were the same guy that bitched about serum visions and commons in MM2 and how wizards hates modern. I apologize if youre not but if you are you argue just like him and its a terrible way to get your point across when I am proving you wrong and so you dance around thr subject insulting me. I will not be responding to this again. Goodbye.
September 12, 2015 11:24 a.m.
actiontech says... #28
For the record I never intended to imply it would be banned, I was just qualifying the following statement about the card's value. I highly doubt it will ever reach a power level worthy of banning.
Also for the record I have played collected elves the last two modern FNMs and finished 1st and 3rd respectively. I intend to incorporate Evolutionary Leap now which should help with the increased level of burn that's been showing up.
The_Dragonmaster says... #2
I think it will go up a little when BFZ comes out because of Allies ETB effects.
September 10, 2015 11:08 p.m.