Collected Company: Buy Now or Wait?
Economics forum
Posted on July 28, 2015, 8:06 p.m. by Aelenium
Hey All. i need a Playset of Collected Company's for a deck i'm making. I was wondering if you'd advise buying them now, or waiting about a month (or less!) to buy them, for maximum value. Thanks!
Collected Company as I expected already dropped after the clash pack from 15-12/11 granted it snot a huge drop but I dont see it really going under 10 just because its played quite a bit I dont think it will every skyrocket and at some point I could see it hitting 10. I would buy now just because I dont see them dropping lower than 12ish within the next month or two maybe not even till december. Either way just my opinion.
July 28, 2015 8:18 p.m.
Depending on how elves from the new zendikar play out I would wait to see how it plays in standard cause that's what will make or break the price
July 28, 2015 8:54 p.m.
Buy now honestly. I'm holding onto my foil and non foils. It sees so much play there's no way it drops more.
July 28, 2015 9:09 p.m.
I would buy now, and here's why.
Collected Company made a lot of different decks in modern really, really good. One of those including elves.
They are being reprinted in the recent clash packs, which is why the recent price drop is happening, but I don't see it dropping below the point that it is now just because of how good of a card it is. Now, that's not to say that it couldn't drop more, but here's my logic to WHY it won't.
It's huge in modern play. Everyone knows that. That's why it won't drop below 10 bucks - it's a great card. However, it may soon be a bigger thing than it currently is in standard, too. As stated above, it will depend on how the new Zendikar plays out for everyone and what decks see love. If there's any love for combo decks that run green, or elves, then seriously expect it to rise. And elves were huge in Zendikar, so I seriously expect it to rise.
July 28, 2015 9:18 p.m.
notamardybum says... #8
Yeah, they're about $10 on tcg, and I'm on the hunt for 3 at the moment. I'd scoop some up if I were you
July 28, 2015 9:33 p.m.
Collected company will never be worth more than the price of the clash pack. Keep that in mind if you are looking to stockpile em.
The foil, on the other hand, might be a good pick up at $25.
July 29, 2015 12:40 a.m. Edited.
actiontech says... #10
Foils were a good pickup at $8, although I suppose $25 is okay too considering the future price of these. I'm not buying any more, but I am trading for them and plan to hold for a year at least to see what happens. Any time a card is a 4-of in more than one modern and/or legacy deck you should be aware they will become more expensive. Players who have them will hold onto them for their flexibility which reduces the pool of available product. When Snapcaster Mage was standard people were unloading them for $10-12. Same thing for Abrupt Decay at $8-10. You should be thinking along those lines when asking about CoCo.
CheeseBro says... #2
i expect them to drop a bit with the reprinting in the clash pack, but then the price will skyrocket after that if it continues to see modern play.
July 28, 2015 8:07 p.m.