Commander 2013.
Economics forum
Posted on March 29, 2014, 11:45 a.m. by Rhinowarrior
So I was curious as to how much the cards in the commander deck seemed to be worth and the results... dont seem right... I plugged each of the decks into tapped out and the average deck price is around 100 dollars. Is that right? if so why are they going for 20 dollars. Also, i noticed that Command Tower says 16 dollars average on tcg but i can buy them for two dollars on amazon.
Here are the links to the decks if you dont believe me!!
Power Hungry
Mind Sieze
Nature of the Beast
Rhinowarrior says... #3
oh and apparently these are to seperate decks oops.
March 29, 2014 11:47 a.m.
the Command Tower
linked is the commanders arsenal foil one thats why, if you actually go to TCG or link the card from C13, theyre only $1. You need to look at the individual sets for a lot of cards. Also TCG low is generally your cash value while mid is more of a trade value, and ive found to be less reliable as far as cash value.
Then dont forget if they were worth more then MSRP no one would buy them, you could just order all the singles you wanted for less $$, why spend $30 on $10 worth of cards youll actually use? versus spending $30 on $30 worth of cards and $30 worth of trade stock
March 29, 2014 11:55 a.m.
Like he said if they were more expensive no one would buy them, plus it costs them next to nothing to produce any card, so selling them at a lower price is still profit. And all it really does is make some of the EDH staples more attainable to casual players so that the format can increase in popularity, thus making them more money in overall sales in terms of C13 and singles in general. Stuff like True-Name Nemesis that sky rocketed in price, and shot up the price of Mind Seize CM13, did so because it is an original card that everyone wants and can't be found anywhere else unless you buy the $40 single. It isn't a casual players first choice. Meaning that if a few things in the sets do that, they will get a few big chunks of money from the couple of people after those, and even more from the people just trying to build a collection. Thats my best Business Minor rendition of it.
Rhinowarrior says... #2
ok... so some of these links are not working.... but thats alright just look at eternal bargain and evasive manuevers.
March 29, 2014 11:45 a.m.