[Community Discussion]: How do you buy cards?
Economics forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 12:48 p.m. by Epochalyptik
This Community Discussion is all about how you get your Magic product.
Do you buy booster packs? Fat packs? Boxes? If you buy boxes, do you preorder them or decide later whether you want them?
What about other releases like C13 or Duel Decks? Or eBay auctions?
For the second part of your response, explain why it is that you buy product in the way you do. Do you like cracking packs? Or the deal you get on preorder? Or the flavor of Duel Decks?
fluffybunnypants says... #3
I'll buy a box once and a while because it's fun cracking packs, but, ultimately I either buy singles or trade up. I do shop around a lot though.
January 28, 2014 12:57 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #4
I normally buy singles, trade, or go on ebay. I used to buy boxes, because cracking packs was often the most exciting part of the game. as I got more into the competitive scene, I discovered that it was more cost effective to buy the cards I needed rather than hope to crack them in a pack. occasionally I still buy a pack or two, just for fun. more often than not, though, I win my packs through fnm victories.
January 28, 2014 12:58 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #5
I buy at least 1 box per set, sometimes 2 if its worth it (Or in the case of RTR, a case).
Then I just trade out of that box up to anything that I need for a deck, and sell off the rest on TCG player.
I like cracking packs, but I get tired of pulling crap pretty quick. But boxes at my LGS are always $100 even, so it's a pretty good deal. I may just start buying the boxes and selling the packs online.
January 28, 2014 12:59 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #6
I prefer buying packs or boxes, I have always had good luck opening packs.
Since I am branching into modern, I am either buying singles or buying boxes of a set I need, for example New Phyrexia for Phyrexian Obliterator . I would rather spend like 50 extra bucks and obtain a lot of cards rather than just one. Same goes with Avacyn Restored for Griselbrand
January 28, 2014 1:07 p.m.
When a new set comes out, I preorder whatever cards look interesting to me as soon as possible before they spike in price, as well as buy a box or two on release day. After that, I just trade and buy singles. I like opening packs, it's just fun. And a couple other friends of mine also chip in for the boxes, and we hold a mini draft tournament while we open each pack. Much more fun.
January 28, 2014 1:15 p.m.
These days I'm trying to be smart with my MtG dollars.
I used to just buy 3-4 packs on a whim a few times a year. That was fine when I was playing completely casually with my D&D group and we didn't have quorum, or if I wasn't quite done on the adventure that week. We would trade cards at rarity, having no idea what the market value of any card was.
These days I drop by my lgs for some commander or such for an afternoon between work and my wife coming home from work once or twice a week. I also attend prereleases and occasional modern tournaments.
So most of my cards come from preordered boxes. It's like Christmas morning ripping through all those packs, and the value on such an investment is supposed to be at least break-even. Theros was the first time I got two boxes. (I love mythology!) I'm getting one box for BNG and I'll probably get a box for Nyx. Other cards will come from prereleases or the occasional Event Deck that has staples I want. Sometimes my lgs will discount old event decks to $15, and it would be silly not to get the cards I want at that price.
I buy the rest of what I want/need as singles. I try to buy from my lgs if they have it in stock. I love the way that place is run, and I want to keep it in business. Recently I did make an internet purchase through TCGplayer, since my lgs had been cleaned out of Honor of the Pure s, and I really wanted them for my weenie deck. ( Human Snowdrift (Advice Welcome) ) I would rather pay $37 at my lgs for a card than $26 online (although I am loathe to spend so much money on one card) to keep my lgs in business. (For example Linvala, Keeper of Silence .)
TLDR: Pre-ordered boxes, prerelease, discount event decks, and lgs singles
January 28, 2014 1:21 p.m.
I'll usually preorder a box at the prerelease, and I might buy another one later. I try to win packs at FNM, but I usually end up losing and buying my prizes for the night :P. I'll buy packs occasionally just for no reason. If I'm hunting for cards to build a deck and I can't find anyone to trade for them, I'll buy singles. My LGS usually gives pretty good deals on things like C13, so I usually preorder them.
I enjoy cracking packs, especially since I've discovered pack wars. It may be inefficient, but Magic is my hobby, not my job, so I don't mind not being perfectly cost efficient. Also, I play EDH, so some of the crap rares are actually playable, and I like experimenting with them. When I need cards for a deck, I get a lot more shrewd, especially since it takes a lot longer to open what you need than to trade for it.
January 28, 2014 1:24 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #10
I did buy packs and boxes for a while, then I started buying singles (from online shops and ebay) and even selling some, much easier way to build a deck.
January 28, 2014 1:25 p.m.
I win 4-6 packs every week from FNM, which is the extent of my opening. I only spend money to enter the tournaments ($5 a week) or order singles. Generally I use TCGplayer's price optimizer (and make sure to only get good condition). Usually I buy in $30ish increments.
January 28, 2014 1:27 p.m.
I buy booster boxes - because I love the thrill of opening boosters - THEN buy singles (but only up to junk rares, none of the expensive ones)
January 28, 2014 1:30 p.m.
I buy booster boxes and fat packs at release (pre-order boxes), on pre-release weekend I buy a couple intro packs for the set (if available). sometimes packs (as whim buys). I buy other products as they come out, typically pre-ordering them. My LGS though tends to wait till a week or so before a supplemental release to allow pre-orders, so I go to this other store out of state where I know I'll be able to get it at msrp or below and order from him when I have the cash or I can pay when I pick up. I'll also whim buy supplemental and fat packs at walmart or packs of older sets I'm interested in if they have them.
I like cracking packs, that's why I'll buy the product I do. I like pack-wars so I'll buy the packs on discount for that (this past weekend did 6 avacyn restored packs to play 3 games with a friend for 8 dollars). I never buy sealed product looking for rare/mythic singles. I buy it to get the uncommon/commons sets for the product. Very rarely, mostly around holidays I'll buy a box of the current set just to draft with my friends. This is my gift to them for that holiday. A few can't afford to draft often, so I hold an 8 man tourny (lgs sanctions it), 0 entry fee, keep what you pull, plus 1 pack for everyone. then first place gets 3 packs and 2nd 1 pack on top of the free pack.. It works out pretty good, and everyone has a good time.
I buy singles through my lgs, tcg and sometimes ebay auctions. I also buy bulk lots off ebay for later resale or trade value.
January 28, 2014 1:53 p.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #14
I been buying a fat pack at release since I got back into the game starting with RTR (I skipped M14 though), and buy singles from various other places, depending on various factors like price, convenience, sales; LGS, Ebay, StarCityGames, TCGplayer primarily. I'd prefer to buy at the local store I play at, but they do not always have prices I like, and sometimes they are out of stock of something for a long period (particularly old or obscure things). I usually buy 1-5 singles per week, and open the packs from the fat pack I ordered over a period of time, roughly two per week. I also intend to participate in the prerelease sealed deck events for each Theros set (having participated in the first already and am registered for the second).
In the old days, when I was even more casual, I used to buy booster packs (two or three) or a starter pack every two to three weeks, with the number varying by my budget. I never bought singles or larger packs. I bought many Ice Age and Mirage starter packs, and have the little manuals everywhere in my junk drawers even today. I wish I hadn't lost most of the lands.
January 28, 2014 2:03 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #15
I preorder a box for most sets, and then trade for things I want. Singles are usually cheaper online so I buy a lot there, but also try to buy at my LGS because they deserve it :)
As for packs....they are my nemesis. I know it's stupid to crack packs, but I still do it several times per week. I need to cut back. If I win packs at FNM I'll usually crack one and turn the rest in for store credit.
January 28, 2014 2:04 p.m.
I buy a box, a fat pack, and a few packs of each set.
I usually pre-order a box because I like cracking packs, like most other people here. My store has a midnight release when a new set goes retail so we can pick up the pre-orders, and it's fun to compare pulls with friends. This also lets me gather commons/uncommons to help prevent me from having to order them later.
Then I'll buy a fat pack for the set for storage purposes. The boxes are just the perfect size to fit just about anywhere.
Buying and cracking packs is just fun. My shop runs a sale where you can buy 3 packs for $10, so I'll do that and a friend will usually ask to open one.
I don't usually buy duel decks unless there are cards in it that I could use, and I'll definitely start pre-ordering Commander and FTV products.
January 28, 2014 2:06 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #17
Singles on Ebay is my go to way for buying cards. Sometimes I use TCG Player and Amazon. Most cost effective way to acquire Magic cards for those without a large collection to trade with.
I buy Fatpacks occasionally, but that's when I feel like cracking packs for fun and I like the boxes for storage.
I pre-ordered a box for the first time this coming set, don't plan on it being a regular thing. Want to see how it works out money-wise and maybe get some trade fodder.
I think I'm in the minority when it comes to Duel Decks as I enjoy them. I think theme decks are fun to play casually and Wizards does a good job with these. Reminds me of the decks I built as a kid. Also gives me an opportunity to play with interesting cards from the time period I was not playing Magic. (Scourge-RTR)
January 28, 2014 2:09 p.m.
I'll seldomly do a FNM Draft, but mostly friends and I will pitch in for a box (sometimes two) when a new set comes out and run our own drafts. Then, like cr14mson, I'll buy singles online if my local is dry - but generally nothing over a buck a card. I'll often trade for more valuable cards using ones i've drafted but don't care much about, considering I don't play standard.
The obvious factors are how and what formats you play, your budget notwithstanding. For me, pulling 2 Thoughtseize by cracking packs is great n' all. I mean I could run them in my black deck to marginally improove it; or trade them for the 16 two dollar solid cards I want, as the backbone of a whole other deck. Easy choice for me, but I understand the investment in top cards can pay off if you're a real tournament player.
January 28, 2014 2:13 p.m.
I do pre-releases, preorder boxes, and buy lots of singles.
January 28, 2014 2:29 p.m.
I buy most of my singles via: magickartenmarkt.de. It's basically an eBay with protection for magiccards. They have awesome prices there aswell.
Boxes and/or Fat-Packs I buy at my LGS. Sometimes singles if I don't want to wait for them being shipped, also they have good prices there (not as cheap as mkm though).
January 28, 2014 2:35 p.m.
actiontech says... #21
I pre-order 3 boxes of every set, open two and stash one in the closet. I got my daughter into magic a couple of years ago (she's 16 now) and I figure when she's older we can go back and draft what will then be the "old sets from when you were a kid and just started playing." I really wish I still had some boxes of when I was a kid (Revised, Legends, around then) just to open them and play with the old stuff. I think it's a good father/daughter relationship investment. And we both love cracking packs =)
I buy singles from TCG, occasionally on eBay, and from other users at deckbox.org. Any selling I do I do on eBay. I don't usually pre-order singles, but this time around I did order 3 copies of Brimaz because he just looks like a card that's going to take over standard and I'm hoping between 2 boxes I open one of him to complete the playset.
January 28, 2014 2:53 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #22
Checked out magickartenmarkt.de cause I was curious and it seems more like a European TCG Player. I didn't see anywhere to bid on cards. It's independent retailers/individuals selling cards and payment is handled through a 3rd party like Paypal.
January 28, 2014 2:57 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #23
I've gotten to the point where money is tight, so I have to make the most out of what I already have. Every so often, when I feel it is necessary to build a new deck, I will trade in most of the cards from my binder to Channel Fireball for store credit and obtain a new deck that way. I haven't spent real money on a deck in a while.
As for obtaining the cards to fill my binder, I almost never buy packs. I almost exclusively stick to whatever I win at FNM to refill my binder at a slow and steady pace. The better I do at FNM, the faster I can build a new deck.
I also recently purchased a Legacy deck in this manner, which I highly recommend. Knowing that I'll always have a deck on hand that will never rotate out takes a huge burden off of my Magic budget. Legacy is also a good time, and rewards skillful play much more than Standard ever will. Playing Legacy will make you a better player if you can find a way to obtain a viable deck.
January 28, 2014 3:03 p.m.
In all seriousness - I buy single cards for as cheaply as I can off ebay and other sites. I look at tcgplayer mid price and starcity games price, then I take the average of the two. This gives me a rough guideline of how much a card is worth. I then go to ebay or magiccardmarket and try to buy it for 50% of the price. Most of the time I manage to get it because there's always someone who doesn't know how much a card is worth. I've actually been able to make a lot of money out of magic altogether - but I had significant finances to invest initially. Bigger initial investment means better payout when I cash in later (sell on ebay for 75% etc). At the moment I spend about $50 / week.
I like doing this because I get new cards often that I can play and put in my binder. I'm saving money overall because even if I keep the card I've paid less than I should have done! I hate buying boosters because its risky and I'm not interested in the feeling that comes with opening packs. I'm always looking for specific cards so packs don't suit my needs.
January 28, 2014 3:15 p.m.
miracleHat says... #26
I buy cards from an online card shop called abugames.com. It is a really cool place with a lot of magic cards. The cards admittedly are a little bit expensive (looking at you Snapcaster Mage ), but the site is nice overall. I used to buy packs, but then i realized that the odds and luck ran out after I opened Vendilion Clique . You might say why are you not buying packs right after you opened clique. I have opened 36 more packs and the most expensive thing that i have opened (not including drafts), was a Purphoros, God of the Forge which is probably going down, not up. I like online shops (abugames) since they have all of the cards that i would need. My card shops don't actually have Griselbrand for under $30. SO i go to card shops and including shipping, it is much cheaper. Opening packs is occasionally fun mind you, but you don't get much value out of them most of the time.
January 28, 2014 5:10 p.m.
When it comes to sealed products, I typically buy them from my two favorite LGS, especially the limited edition stuff. Both know I'll use them as oppose to resell them, but their stocks are still limited in that regards. Even though as a whole, preordering a set of each single I want would be heaps cheaper, I typically pre-order 2-3 sealed boxes of boosters because I love opening packs. I have a pack addiction like most have a lottery ticket addiction. Then I'll buy a single fatpack just for the contents, and a shoebox-storage for the commons/uncommons I open from the set. It's quite a money sink, but then, it's one of my hobbies so I don't mind it too bad.
As for event decks, I used to buy them up, but lately I haven't touched them at all, pretty much since they went one event deck only. I bought them as additional fun decks to pick up and play when we're bored with all our brews. I haven't touched the pre-cons in dang near a half a decade, since they're moot point. Duel Decks I get for same reason i used to get event decks, they're two decks to pit against people, I pick you, you run the other. Sometime we'll play mystery box and play random pre-con we pull out of it. Just something different. I buy most of my magic supplies from LGS too.
About the only thing I don't constantly order from LGS are singles, one store tends to give me a good deal since I buy out his more interesting stuff, other one goes by SCG prices, which pushes me towards ebay and TCG, since I'm typically after a card as a four of.
January 28, 2014 5:28 p.m.
HarbingerJK says... #28
for the most part I buy my cards on Card Kingdom or SCG. Sometimes I'll buy some booster packs or a fat pack. When a new set is released I like to buy a booster box for my friends and I to draft from
January 28, 2014 5:45 p.m.
I tend to preorder 1 booster box per set. Really, it isn't about getting the super expensive money card, it's just a way for me to "fill out" my collection for each set and crack open packs, which I personally find super enjoyable. When I need singles I tend to go online. I don't go to ebay because I've had some fairly bad luck there, I go to TCG player or Channel Fireball.
As for C13, I stayed as far away from my lgs as possible on that one. I scoured Wal-Marts until I found one available for MSRP
January 28, 2014 6 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #30
I buy all my cards from tcgplayer and I never buy any boxes or packs since RTR first came out as my first three packs were nothing but junk and I decide I would probably never gamble with packs again.
January 28, 2014 6:38 p.m.
jacobrkimbrell312 says... #31
only time I crack a pack is limited, tcgplayer and shops for me
January 28, 2014 7:17 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #32
I always buy online from ebay and assorted retailers for commons/uncommons. Buying packs/boxes of any kind is simply a waste of money. The value isn't there and you waste so much money on bad pulls most of the time.
January 28, 2014 7:50 p.m.
the3rdH0kage says... #33
I generally try and trade/buy singles. But if I'm trading in some stuff, and I have 4-5 bucks left over after I get what I need, I'll get a pack or 2 to crack, most recently I split FNM with a friend (it was like 1am and we were kinda tired), I got 7 packs, pretty nice. But I try and at least split a box each set with a friend but I'm thinking that with Journey into Nyx I'm going to get a box each set. I'd start with BOTG but I'm saving money to pay for GP Richmond.
January 28, 2014 8:03 p.m.
the3rdH0kage says... #34
Also with event decks I try and get at least 1 of each.I've already preordered 2 of the Modern one and the Duel Decks are always a fun casual kinda deck to play, I pick those up occasionally.
January 28, 2014 8:05 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #35
My friends and I (usually four of us) split a box for each set. We'll come up with some form of a draft or other method for each one just to have some fun. None of us play competitively, and enjoy making cheap decks and throwing them against each other. While its more economical to buy singles, I enjoy opening packs for never quite knowing what you're going to get. And, as a budget player, I'm usually more interested in the commons and uncommons than the rares.
I haven't purchased any pre-constructed decks since I tend to take them apart as soon as I open them, and would rather have some fun opening packs. I rarely buy singles as well, except a few low-value cards to finish off decks. I don't play competitively enough to warrant buying entire decks at a time, and they decks I do build are budget anyways.
Before I headed off to school, I tried to get into Commander knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep up with Standard in paper. Doing so reduced my standard collection and transferred a decent amount to "eternal" value. Since I have a rough hard copy of my Commander deck, my purchases have been limited to the quarter of a booster box per set.
January 28, 2014 8:19 p.m.
I usually just by either Fat Packs or Booster Boxes. I mostly only buy in that bulk when I just want a whole bunch of cards from certain sets. I buy Booster Boxes because the store I buy them from gives me a discount and I can choose any 36 packs from any sets that they have available.
January 28, 2014 8:52 p.m.
A fat pack when a new set comes out, single from amazon.com for the protection they offer, single packs when I feel like it, duel decks/commander if I want a specific card or cards.
Everything else goes to paying for drafts.
January 28, 2014 8:52 p.m.
I personally like cracking packs because you never know what you are going to open. You could open a Pyxis of Pandemonium or a foil Elspeth, Sun's Champion . I usually buy individual packs but I always preorder a box for the new upcoming set. I just preordered a Born of the Gods box actually.
I rarely buy cards except for modern. I buy lots of modern cards on Amazon and at the local shop.
I don't know if this counts as buying cards but I always trade and that's how I get more than 50% of the cards in my decks.
January 28, 2014 9:29 p.m.
actiontech says... #39
As an addendum, I would absolutely draft and buy fewer boxes/packs if that was an option. Sadly, in a college town with two card shops neither of them do drafts. One occasionally does a draft but then they put all the rares into a pool and you get to pick them based on your finishing position, which I personally hate, but either way it's really not an option for me.
Hell, even if you win an FNM here all you get is one lousy pack and a promo. It's pretty sad really.
January 28, 2014 9:32 p.m.
Once I got into building more competitive decks, I started buying singles only. (with the exception of buying into drafts).
I like to shop around so I usually compare TCG, SCG, and Ebay. Ebay is awesome because it has such an easy protection service that has provided me with a refund before. Plus it keeps sellers honest because it puts so much weight on ratings.
The part of the game I like best is playing matches. Buying singles lets me build decks I want to without breaking the bank.
January 28, 2014 10:09 p.m.
miracleHat says... #41
Also, about cracking packs. I love going to draft. It is a great place to meet new players and have a fun time. Opening a pack once in a while is nice as well, but it just doesn't pay off. What I did once was just play edh with other people who weren't in the draft, and watch T.V. and that was more fun than actually drafting. Hopefully Born of the Gods comes up with something new. @actiontech, have you ever dropped by at the store and see if anybody just wants to play some games of mtg? I do that a lot and it gives you something fun to do when you have nothing. Also, you not having any drafts sucks. My lgs is planning on having 2 drafts a week, but i can't go to the monday one because i am too tired.
January 28, 2014 10:40 p.m.
When a new set is released, ill try to grab at least a fat pack, if not a box, just to get some of the new cards. After that Ill just buy singles for my decks, and sell any money cards Im not using. I didnt get any C13, though if I could get the esper or grixis versions for a decent price I probably would. I dont usually buy duel decks or anything like that, but Ill definitely be picking up a copy of the modern event deck coming out later this year. Im super interested in that.
January 28, 2014 11:17 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #43
I'll usually buy a few packs when a new set hits. I'm lucky enough to place in top 8 at FNM most of the time to win packs. That's where the majority of my pack openings happen. I'll even buy a fat pack if I have some spare cash and everything else has been taken care of bill wise. If a set has some good stuff in it like with RTR and Theros, I'll split the cost of a booster box with my brother and buy one together. I occasionally buy singles if I can't get what I need through the booster boxes, fat packs, packs I win, or trades.
January 29, 2014 12:40 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #44
For the most part, I buy singles. My LGS prices things according to TCG average prices so it's a pretty fair deal, and I've never been one to turn down a discount if a card has a little blemish on it. However, I have a pretty decent stash built up at this point so I usually try to trade for the things I need first and then fill in the gaps with singles.
The only time I open packs is as a tournament prize. My LGS also offers the option of store credit, which would probably be wiser to take, but what can I say, I enjoy the rush of opening a booster pack, so I'll take any opportunity to do it that doesn't cost $3.50 a pop.
January 29, 2014 1:11 a.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #45
5 bucks a week at FNM and I take 4 to 12 packs home every week and trading those unwanted gotta have it cards for my gotta have it cards. I like sealed alot so I do pre-release each set to get a jumpstart on the new block peice. That's it though so about 100 in pre-releases and 5 bucks x say 48 weeks ..340.00 a year out of pocket on all sets combined. LGS only would be the answer mostly I guess.
January 29, 2014 1:13 a.m.
if I played standard, modern etc I would probably buy packs as its exciting and enjoyable and trading is also cool, especially getting a deck finished after the packs and trading is rewarding. As it is though I play EDH only and I only ever want maybe a dozen cards from a set so I buy singles, often I preorder the cards along with another order I was already placing, I have started to try to get foils of cards on preorder whilst they are available too. I sometimes pick up duel decks, like the izzet vs golgari one cuz I wanted the niv and the jarad and a few other parts, this gave the value back and the rest was a bonus. I love FTV products and Commander's Arsenal (anything EDH viable) but the most recent FTV was stupid cuza Jace who i didn't want or need so I bought singles from that too.
The best way to buy expensive singles and foils IMO is easily ebay, as the cards are usually a lot cheaper than stores (and stores don't usually have them in stock) so I have got real bargains like foil Argothian Enchantress and Show and Tell for a fraction of the true value. Preordering on ebay can also be good with the right seller.
I once bought a box with friends (Planar Chaos) and drafted with my mates, that was awesome good fun and I would recommend that!
January 29, 2014 3:07 a.m.
I try to buy a fat pack every set to expand my collection, and then singles when I need them. Trading isn't an option, but I will crack the occasional pack.
I also like expanding my collection, so anything cheap is fun. For example, $20 for two decks. Sure they might be horrible, but hey, that's what I play with. This way I get to have a lot of fun without spending a lot of money.
January 29, 2014 7:07 a.m.
I typically buy a box and a fat pack of each set as it comes out, two boxes if the set looks particularly great. I bought all 5 Commander decks both times, and will keep doing that as long as they keep making them, but don't buy loose packs (No way to know if they've been mapped) and I rarely care enough about most of the cards in duel decks and other things like that. I bought an FTV Realms at GenCon last year because the price wasn't bad and I needed a few of the cards, but I actively dislike the FTV foiling process and don't care about foils in general, so mostly they were for trading.
If I need singles beyond that, I get most of them trading through pucatrade.com, which is also where I tend to offload all the rares I got from my box-buying that I don't want to keep.
January 29, 2014 7:27 a.m.
My buddies and I gamble using them; packjacking/pack-poker, as we like to call it.
What you do is both blindly crack a pack (of the same set) and reveal the land/token. If a token is revealed, that player gets to choose who goes first (generally the other person). If both have tokens, the winner is chosen by WUBRG order. If no players have tokens, winner is decided by WUBRG with the lands.
The players then take turns revealing cards from the front of the packs (the commons, then uncommons, and finally rare/foils), attempting to make the best 5-card poker hand possible. Both players have visibility of the revealed cards.
Once a player gets to 5 cards, he then has to discard a card each turn (either from his hand or the fresh one). At the end of the pack, the player with the best "hand" wins and gets to keep both packs.
As previously stated, all ties are broken by WUBRG order, with artifacts counting as wild card. If ties are still not broken at the end of WUBRG, then the packs are kept by the players.
intrasolar says... #2
I buy from people or shops, cracking packs is a waste. Might as well buy some scratch-off lottery tickets.
January 28, 2014 12:55 p.m.