Complete magic collection
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2017, 11:41 a.m. by Qolorful
I'm curious about how much a complete magic collection would be worth?
While not the most accurate definition of complete collection, my definition is at least one copy of every non-promo card. So ever card that was printed in a set, but not necessarily requiring the promos like game day, judge, or world champion cards.
I also am not counting the unsers in this, as they are not legal anywhere
By scraper they mean a program that could query gatherer or something similar and take only card name information and set information or whatever information you would need. The biggest question is actually how are we doing cards that are reprinted in multiple sets are we duplicating them or using most recent or oldest set because an alpha Birds of Paradise is worth a lot more than a conspiracy 2 Birds of Paradise
September 25, 2017 12:37 p.m.
I'd be extremely interested in seeing that as a decklist.
September 25, 2017 3:18 p.m.
I did a little research and found answers anywhere from 30k to 125k.. I imagine that without repeating cards, and without promos, it'll end up at around 30k most commons and uncommons will cost like $15-20 to get an entire sets worth, most rares and mythics are in the same boat. It comes down to a select few expensive cards, mostly from the old sets, such as Black Lotus. Something like the top 5% of cards make up 95% of the total cost
Epidilius says... #2
There are almost 20k unique Magic cards. See this for a list of them all:!["Unglued"]+!["Unhinged"]
Honestly, the easiest way to value a collection would be to build a scraper to grab the names of each card, add it to a single deck list (can TappedOut even handle that?) and see what it says.
September 25, 2017 12:02 p.m.