Consecrated Sphinx? Going up in value or not?
Economics forum
Posted on May 23, 2015, 10:52 p.m. by DivineGrace
Since Consecrated Sphinx avoided being reprinted in MM2015 is it safe to assume that this card can creep up? I have a playset still.
GeminiSpartanX says... #3
It's only used in commander, so I doubt it will spike anytime soon. And people generally only need it as a 1-of, which is another strike against any price jumps. It will slowly go up over time barring any reprints in the future, so it depends on how patient you are.
May 23, 2015 10:56 p.m.
If you have some extra money, why not. It isn't going to be reprinted for a while, so wait and see. It has been going up, however.
May 23, 2015 11:05 p.m.
I'll be honest with you, i've been noticing it sloooooowly creep up over the last year. it's risen about a dollar and a half in a year if my memory is right.
May 23, 2015 11:14 p.m.
it actually sees play as the beater in mono blue vintage. but that's really niche so....
ThisIsBullshit says... #2
I'm not sure it sees play anywhere but EDH, so it'll probably sit right about where it's at, or possibly creep up, but I'm not sure.
May 23, 2015 10:53 p.m.