Difference in Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip Prices
Economics forum
Posted on July 26, 2015, 5:07 p.m. by Coinman1863
Why do the prices differ so much between the Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip and the prerelease promo foil? Is it supply and demand? Because after the set has been out for a week I would imagine the prices would become more even as more of the regular foils have shown up due to more packs being opened. Or do people just not like the prerelease promos?
An the second question would be, would the prices ever be comparable as there will eventually be less promos in circulation than the regular ones?
The stipulation for this inquiry is I got one at prerelease and I am just curious because the the prices are very different, not that I am going to sell mine as it went right into one of my EDH decks.
Since there are now 8 promos in each group(color, clan, guild, etc) instead of 1, the promos are not always easier to come by. And the price difference will differ per card based on demand. But yes, some people don't like the date stamp, some do, and some don't care.
As of right now TCG has them prices at 48.93 for the normal foil and $54.94 for the promo. So as of right now the promo is priced higher on TCGplayer.
VampireArmy says... #2
The general rule of thumb with prerelease foils is that
One: they're much easier to come by
Two: less people like the little date on the card. Some people find it to be outright ugly actually and thus don't want them
July 26, 2015 5:32 p.m.