Economic Predictions on Khans of Takir.
Economics forum
Posted on March 29, 2015, 3:36 a.m. by MollyMab
Been chatting to some people. Thought I would throw out my economic predictions on Khans.
-Fetches: When they leave the format, demand is going to decrease. I can see fetches dipping slightly (about 3-5 dollars of dip) and then slowly rising again for modern/legacy. If you have your playsets, hold onto them, and any extras try and trade into older cards.
-Treasure Cruise: This card is worth picking up in foil. Vintage and cube Players love their shinies (check out Trygon Predator for proof) and a lot of decks will want Cruise. Once Khans stops being opened and there are a few vintage events, I think we will see a price rise. Trade now while it is $10 and hold onto it till it hits $20+
-Dig Through Time: I'm trying to currently pick up my foil playset. Legacy players also love some pimping and Dig sees some play in decks like Miracles. Trade for foils post rotation, hold onto a player of normals.
-Jeskai Ascendancy: Still the most powerful ascendancy. The effects this card produces are insane and I still think we will see another deck or two come out of it, in addition to the 2 combo decks we have already. That said, I don't think it will have as much wide spread appeal now the OP deck got a nerf with a cruise banning. If you can pick them up cheaply (5 dollars or less of stuff you don't care about), do so but expect to be waiting a while.
-Siege Rhino: This card is amazing. It has seen heavy play in modern and standard. It has even seen some fringe legacy play in Nicfit and Nicpod. If you can pick them up in foil, do so. Expect a slight dip after they rotate out, but provided Wizard doesn't print a 4 mana 5/5 who helixs for 4, it should be a fairly good investment.
-Become Immense: It is seeing some play in Infect in both modern and legacy, and being an enabler for the Shadow Aggro gimmicky awesome deck. In foil, it is worth getting and waiting for post rotation to trade. If infect keeps putting out the good numbers, I could see it being 10-15 dollars in foil within a year or so.
-Monastery Swiftspear: Just like Young Pyromancer, I can see normal copies trading at like 3-4 dollars post rotation, but foils going up and hitting the 30-40 mark. It is simply an amazing 1 drop for so many decks.
-Murderous Cut: Another card that is seeing some play in a few decks. With Pod gone in modern, the other decks running black don't really want this, and legacy isn't the biggest fan. However, it is a solid card that I can see being a fringe playable. Another card to pick up cheaply now, and hold onto for a while.
If people enjoy this, I might do the next bit of the block too. Any questions or comments, let me know.
THe problem with alot of these cards like Siege Rhino Monastery Swiftspear and Dig Through Time and all the fetches unless they are foil they are opened too much to go up within basically the next 4-5 years
March 29, 2015 4:14 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
aeonstoremyliver is practically only mentioning the foil versions EmblemMan.
March 29, 2015 5:03 a.m.
I'm not entirely sold on the becoming immense part. It does see some play in modern infect, but that's about it. I would price the foil more at about 8-10 dollars.
March 29, 2015 8:29 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #6
FAMOUSWATERMELON Become Immense is legacy playable, therefore the foil is ~$9.
March 29, 2015 9:29 a.m.
Thing is that over time, prices will rise. Especially Dig/Cruise. Because they are banned, they won't be reprinted.
March 29, 2015 10:59 a.m.
deckmonster99 says... #8
i am and will hold my fetchs. why trade them for anything else at this point they where just reprinted and will only gain in value.
The_Raven says... #2
What to trade away now?
March 29, 2015 3:51 a.m.