Feel like tripling your money?!
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 7, 2015, 10:31 p.m. by Its_Johnny_Bravo
Goblin Piledriver is on Amazon listed at $6.49 and I doubt it will EVER be lower.
Having seen this card in Onslaught for
High: $29.95Median: $21.51Low: $14.00
I would HIGHLY recommend getting a few of these. I dont see this card ever losing value.
Epochalyptik says... #4
The Origins printing will never reach the value of the Onslaught printing. And I'd argue that the Onslaught printing will be falling out of favor with anyone who still needs to pick these up; the fact that the new ones are a third of the price is pretty attractive.
I'd call the Origins printing safe; it probably won't decline much if at all, but the fact that everyone who needs one is now able to get one (the reprint being much cheaper and more immediately available in trade binders) means that it's not exactly a spec. People knew how good it is.
August 7, 2015 10:50 p.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #6
You're correct in saying it will never reach Onslaught prices- same thing with the fetchlands from khans- but for $6? Id expect it to double at a minimum.
August 7, 2015 10:54 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
The thing is that they're still being opened. Origins has been out for a couple weeks now and people are still drafting it and buying packs of it. People are trading them actively. Now, I don't follow the actual game at all, so I don't know what's in vogue at the moment, but unless it breaks through in Standard or Modern (or has already), it really isn't likely to go back up in price anytime soon.
August 7, 2015 10:59 p.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #8
Definitely not anytime soon. Im going to give it 6 months to a year. But i love cards like this (even though it's a reprint). I can buy it, play it, then 6 months later when something better comes out, sell it for more than i paid for it, and restart the process. Did this with Liliana of the Veil, Snapcaster Mage, Phyrexian Obliterator- especially this one because i bought 10 of them on amazon for 4$ each, Cavern of Souls, and modern masters boosters as soon as i saw goyf was in it. I'd say that since then, ive quadrupled my original investment into mtg. I think Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip is a really interesting card- could go either way. It's similar to veil and has alot of synergy with Fume Spitter type cards- but I dont know if ill take the risk on it.
August 7, 2015 11:08 p.m. Edited.
Then my job is done!
In all seriousness, I don't think there's going to be a mad spike or anything. Still, not really expecting a drop either. I got one copy sitting squarely in a binder. Not really anything I can do with him, but I have a friend who loves goblins. Eh...
August 8, 2015 12:25 a.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #11
Well remember this card is modern legal and legacy legal, and has been a $25 card since it came out. The reprint started at $14 and I imagine it'll settle around 12-18 depending on the new zendikar block. I do not expect it to remain at $6 as it's a far more valuable card. Just like the obliterator was, but nobody jumped on that one.
August 8, 2015 12:36 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #12
That's a good point about BFZ. If it's like the original Zen, we could expect to see some competitive Goblins.
Still, it will probably be a little while before the price on the Origins printing goes up any appreciable amount.
August 8, 2015 8:33 a.m.
$6 is a good price for a card that as in previous editions been over $20. I'm not saying it will reach that high (it probably won't) but I do think it'll rise. It's playable in both modern and legacy goblins, though only the legacy version is appreciable.
August 8, 2015 9:26 a.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #14
I bought 16 of them, so now I wait lol. If only I had bought snapcasters when they were 11$ or spellskite when they were 3$.. Hindsight 20/20
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #2
Here's the link to Amazon
August 7, 2015 10:32 p.m.