Fetch Land Prices

Economics forum

Posted on Nov. 11, 2013, 5:19 p.m. by iVampire

All of the Zendikar fetch lands are so expensive. Will they see a reprint in the next couple of blocks or not? And if so, will that affect the current value?

I really highly doubt that the exact fetches will see a reprint. I think they will attempt a new cycle of fetches at somepoint, probably with a different twist, but not while shocklands are still playable in Standard.

So, yes, they will reprint them, no they won't be the same fetchlands, it could effect the current value of them depending on how good the new ones actually are.

November 11, 2013 5:23 p.m.

megawurmple says... #3

I think they will be reprinted at some point, but not until after the Shock Lands have rotated. If and when they are reprinted, the new printings will be cheaper than the originals, but the price of the originals will not be affected, much like Thoughtseize or the Shock Lands.

November 11, 2013 5:33 p.m.

shuflw says... #4

Fetchlands are crucial for modern, which is a format wizards is trying to encourage. I think they'll reprint fetches, though maybe the Onslaught fetches before Zendikar since they've been printed less recently.They might also decide to reprint them in a "special" set like modern masters, so there will be more available for eternal formats without making them standard legal.

November 11, 2013 5:34 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #5

The ZEN fetches probably won't be reprinted for a while, and I think they would be in a special release if they see a reprint at all within the next five years.

November 11, 2013 5:36 p.m.

8vomit says... #6

Zendikar was too recent for them to be reprinted any time soon. I would not be surprised if we saw a fetchland reprint eventually though. I am personally hoping for the onslaught fetches to get put into standard.

November 11, 2013 5:46 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #7

I think the onslaught fetches will se a reprint in the next block. Not gonna lie, it just seems like the right thing to do...

Recent reprints have foreshadowed this to me. Mutavault kind of surprised me, I called Thoughtseize at my shop and won packs on a bet and right now, I think Damnation is up next on the reprint block. Something tells me that black will get a board wipe soon.

November 11, 2013 6:10 p.m.

I'm just thinking about how weird it's going to be when Standard cannot rely on shocks for fixing anymore.

I don't see Damnation being reprinted anytime soon. A board wipe? Black had Mutilate last cycle and I think it's the closest black is going to have to an actual wipe for some time. To me, it looks like they realized that mono colors were going to be really strong in THS and I think that, with a boardwipe, MBC would probably start running rampant again and I'm not sure if Wizards is really keen on that. I actually successfully ran MBC into a top 8 at a local tournament during the limbo time where it was INS, M13, RTR, M14, it was hilariously good and would've been ridiculous if Thoughtseize and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx were legal in Standard at the time.

November 11, 2013 6:18 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #9

Nobody really caught on to mutilate when it was in standard. Even though everyone was on BSZs nuts when it was in standard. I think black is due for a good quality board wipe, but I could be wrong.

November 11, 2013 6:28 p.m.

mckin says... #10

damnation is fine imo in MBC bc it wipes out devotion, packrats, etc, leaving mutavault and erebos. plus it needs a reprint imo, while Damning someone sounds like a god/devotion thing

Id hate to see onslaught fetches reprinted (and i need some still) bc it would drop the value of the current, but a special set reprint like a FTV printing or something would be nice, i think the zen lands would be much better reprint as functionally still very useful, and wouldnt hurt legacy value as much, saying Thoughtseize reprint didnt hurt its value is a pretty good stretch since it almost halved the value of the lorwyn one

November 11, 2013 6:38 p.m.

Exzist says... #11

I think next set gets Damnation or just a black Day of Judgment .

And on topic, I feel the zen fetches will be printed again well before the onslaught ones will be. But probably not next block. Maybe the next after or a little further down the road when we eventually return to Zen.

November 11, 2013 7:11 p.m.

DaggerV says... #12

If they're wanting to make modern more accessible they're going to want to reprint the fetch lands in some shape or form soon-ish. They're used across EDH, Modern, and Legacy, plus vintage I suppose. Though I kinda prefer reprints as opposed to functional reprints.We'll wind up in another guild-gate-like circumstance I would think?

November 11, 2013 7:13 p.m.

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