foil Archangel of Tithes, pre-order or wait?

Economics forum

Posted on July 10, 2015, 10:55 a.m. by Panda213

Most places have her shiny butt sittin between $40-$50.. my gut says to wait but my gut is not always right about mtg specs. Just don't want to wait, have it take off in a couple formats and then end up having to pay more for her.. I know that's the nature of the beast so that's why I'm asking for your expert opinions :)

DrFunk27 says... #2

Every pre-order price is WAY to much. Remember Narset? She was $50 pre-order and now she is $18. Just wait.

July 10, 2015 10:59 a.m.

Panda213 says... #3

I don't play standard and so I usually don't pay any attention to pre-order prices. It does seem a bit high.. I guess I should probly hold off and see if she starts showing up outside of standard and doing good.

July 10, 2015 11:16 a.m.

DrFunk27 says... #4

Even then, it's still high. If she is good, she will settle around $25-$30 for foils.

July 10, 2015 11:20 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #5

Do remember that this is an angel card, one of the most popular tribes in Magic. If you feel comfortable getting it at $40, do it. It depends on how eternally playable it is, but it will probably never get to below $30 for the foil due to casual / commander appeal.

July 10, 2015 11:35 a.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #6

Yeah like others are saying it will depend a lot on how much shes played in other formats.

From what I have been reading she won't likely be staple in any existing top decks in modern and such because of her WWW cost. The last time we saw a card with her cost was Angel of Jubilation and she was run only occasionally in pod lists...

July 10, 2015 11:53 a.m.

NuBByThuMB says... #7

But Archangel of Tithes has resilience against the most popular removal spell in Modern unlike Angel of Jubilation. Not just that, but her abilities pin her as a prime candidate for a deck like Death and Taxes.

July 10, 2015 12:01 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #8

Believe me I hear what you are saying. Im was just restating what I have been reading and thats that she won't be heavily played in already existing archetypes because of her restrictive casting cost.

Doesn't mean someone won't find a way to make room for her or create something new that becomes an archetype. Just not as likely is all.

I think the biggest thing keeping her price up will be her creature type like ThatJunkMage had said.

July 10, 2015 12:12 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #9

Here is a good article I read. Channel hasn't lead me astray too often regarding these sort of things.

Modern Origins

July 10, 2015 12:15 p.m.

Gaupen says... #10

She'll be great for Modern Soul Sisters. She'll help keep elves at bay and with the usual army you attack with in Soul Sisters, it'll make your weenies harder to block.

July 10, 2015 1:12 p.m.

Panda213 says... #11

All good points and that link was helpful as well, LittleBlueHero. I personally don't think her foil version will dip much under $30 either but I'm a casual player that doesn't stay too up to date on what's what in each format. I just have a pimped out mono white deck, Knights of Deth, that I need a foil of her for and just want to save as much $ as I can. Thanks again formthe input :)

July 10, 2015 2:11 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

Wait til packs start opening... That's when things tend to dip...

July 11, 2015 12:21 a.m.

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