Foil Dig Through Time price?
Economics forum
Posted on Nov. 10, 2014, 9:19 p.m. by JRaynor
So I'm not really a speculator but I will pick up valuable cards for trading later just to stabilize the value of my collection as it's not being played. Anyway I have missed picking up both a foil Caryatid for 7 bucks and a foil rabble master for 15 at my LGS so I could think about it so when I saw a foil Dig Through Time for 20 tonight I rather impulsively bought it. I have heard chatter around and about that it's a card to watch but why? Is this likely to climb or should I be getting rid of it as soon as it has climbed a little higher? At the least I figure I could trade to a friend who is collecting them but I wanted to see what you all thought of the long term value, prospects of the card and so on. I'm just using it for edh. If someone could explain why it's considered a value card I'd appreciate that too.
Well TCG lists it at around $27, and most of the ones I see on eBay are around $28-30. So from that standpoint, you got a pretty good deal. It's difficult to tell what it's upside is right now, just because the meta hasn't settled down from the set release yet. If decks that run Dig Through Time continue to appear in major events, it's likely the price could rise, especially for foils.
November 10, 2014 9:59 p.m.
thebdizzle says... #4
Unless it's banned (because of the double blue casting cost I don't see that happening), it really has no place but up to go.
I think Treasure Cruise would be the 1st to go. If that happens then this card gets even better.
Foil good cards that see play outside of standard are generally speaking, solid investments. Take if from a guy who traded his foil Thoughtseize at 50 and watched it go to 75 in less than a week. Ugh...
November 10, 2014 10:04 p.m.
Nigeltastic says... #5
So I bought 2 promo digs a bit ago because I needed to play the card, and I got them for $1.50 each (soon after set release). Should I just stop playing with them (and downgrade to plain ones) to protect the gain I could make or is it not going to climb that high do you think.
November 10, 2014 10:44 p.m.
quesobueno123 says... #6
It should go up, and is a very good card. 20 is a solid price. Also, Nigeltastic I like the foil promos a lot more as they are shiny. I'd keep them.
November 11, 2014 7:36 a.m.
I think you made a good "investment" at $20 and personally I'll be grabbing a few if I can find them at that price.
Programmer_112 says... #2
Dig Through Time is an amazing, amazing card. It will likely be a staple in Modern (if it is not banned), and is just all around awesome.
November 10, 2014 9:44 p.m.