Foil Miscut Goyf

Economics forum

Posted on March 5, 2015, 10:55 p.m. by jpeachesd

So yeah, this is a thing im buying this guy:

Just payed $420 for this bad boy. The foil is $450 alone but I have no idea about the miscut part. I know that It wont be ptq status legal as the cost and p/t is missing, but It is still super cool just the same. Any ideas on a rough value? Bonus points if you can tell me what the other 3 partial cards are!

Dylan says... #2

The link is Broken

March 5, 2015 10:57 p.m.

slovakattack says... #3

The image link isn't working.

March 5, 2015 10:57 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

It may actually be legal in a PTQ. IT's up to the head judge. Tarmogoyf is such an iconic card that I'd have a hard time believing a head judge would disallow it in this state.

As for value, it depends. You could get anywhere between $1000 and $1500, by my estimate. I don't know who in the hell sold it to you for $420, but you should find out if that guy is selling anything else.

March 5, 2015 10:59 p.m.

slovakattack says... #5

Wow, that is a crazy miscut. What Epoch said, if you find a collector of miscuts... well, that's big money. You got an absolutely insane deal.

March 5, 2015 11 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

As for the other cards, I believe they're Progenitus, Dragonstorm, and Meloku the Clouded Mirror.

March 5, 2015 11:04 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

March 5, 2015 11:14 p.m.

slovakattack says... #8

Epochalyptik: Correct me if I'm wrong, but a foil miscut of such a high-profile card is easily close to 2K?

March 5, 2015 11:18 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #9

It really depends. Foil miscuts are such a small and highly exclusive niche that the price really comes down to how much the seller can get a potential buyer to pay. I see a probable ceiling of $2000-2500 (a large range, but again, this is subjective), but I don't doubt that it would be possible to get $2000 if you're good and find the right buyer. But $1000-1500 is more likely, in my opinion.

March 5, 2015 11:28 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #10

Oh it's a MM Goyf :( Lamee

March 5, 2015 11:34 p.m.

Jay says... #11

if this is lame, I don't know what's not

March 5, 2015 11:38 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #12

FS Goyfs!

March 5, 2015 11:43 p.m.

DrFunk27 says... #13

FS Goyfs suck and that card is. OMG. Exquisite.

March 5, 2015 11:48 p.m.

Drathen says... #14

You wanted the other cards from the miscut? Here they are: Left is Meloku the Clouded Mirror, Top is Dragonstorm and top left is Progenitus

March 6, 2015 12:59 a.m.

Drathen says... #15

oh Epoch already answered...sad i guess i can say how to find out. When you look for the cards from the set, a multicolored card with a 0 in its toughness was easy, Progenitus was the only one. For Dragonstorm, its the only card with Key Walker as the artist in red and in blue you find the matching artwork.

March 6, 2015 1:05 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #16

That is an amazing mis-cut.

March 6, 2015 5:13 a.m.

AllAroundGeek says... #17

That looks so cool, goyf and Dragonstorm and the same card... and it's foil. I want at least 500

March 6, 2015 8:27 a.m.

mckin says... #18

the miscut value isnt nearly as high if its NFC, bc its not a miscut from wizards its not really much of a collectors piece as a true miscut, so the market which is already fringe is even smaller.

i personally dont think youd get over $1000, it's probably closer to $500-800

$420 is about cash value of a foil mma goyf

March 6, 2015 10:23 a.m.

I love how it's exactly $420. Smoke weed erry day.

March 6, 2015 12:11 p.m.


March 6, 2015 12:18 p.m.

mckin says... #21

non factory cut, the card wasnt pulled from a pack, its cut from a sheet of by a person

March 6, 2015 1:10 p.m.

Is there a way you can tell this is NFC?

March 6, 2015 1:20 p.m.

mckin says... #23

the type of miscut is a red flag because of severity, this requires the alignment to be off vertical and horizontally by a lot, the 4 corners cut is a very popular cut from people doing sheets, its from a fairly recent set which has much less chance of being miscut to show anything other than a little extra boarder, im in no way a miscut expert but if we were making bets, id put it all on being nfc

March 6, 2015 1:38 p.m.

mckin says... #24

enter image description here

Examples of same exact cut, many exist and is too consistent of an error

March 6, 2015 1:44 p.m.

But there's no way to verify, from what you're saying, so it basically comes down to skepticism.

March 6, 2015 1:48 p.m.

mckin says... #26

honestly no idea, again not an expert, someone in the fb group for misprints & oddities could probably give a better answer as far as 100%

March 6, 2015 1:50 p.m.

I should be clear that I'm not dismissing the idea or the possibility. Rather, I'm criticizing what seems like an unscientific and inconclusive way of assessing the miscut.

March 6, 2015 1:51 p.m.

Devonin says... #28

Those corners look awfully "not done with scissors"

March 8, 2015 9:55 a.m.

8vomit says... #29

this is ridiculous. how can you be so lucky?

March 9, 2015 8:08 p.m.

This discussion has been closed