Foreign fetches

Economics forum

Posted on Feb. 26, 2015, 6:18 a.m. by h4ck3rwc3

Recently had a trade with a friend from Japan. English for cards for Japanese fetch lands and tasigurs do you think that it is smart value wise to invest in other languages in staples usually it does not matter to me but I always see drastic price differences in the staple cards such as snapcasters and fetches.

As a foreign player, I can tell that, whenever I sell my cards to outsiders, they tend to pay more for foreign text cards... If you're getting them 1x1 that's kind of a good deal, I just wouldn't expect that much gain from it.

On the other hand, if they're for personal use, that's a really good trade, because Japanese singles are awesome!

February 26, 2015 6:28 a.m.

h4ck3rwc3 says... #3

Kinda what I was thinking not really much gain but I'm a broke magic player and have to try to squeeze into the formats I want to play it feels through sweat tears an specking on cards which btw I love fetches being in standard draft cycles only way I've been able to get into legacy rotating standard playables to fetches to modern cards to legacy staples beginning to think it's the only affordable way to do it probably should do another post on asking about what cards people are using to breech formats since most people seem to only trade modern for modern and so on

February 26, 2015 6:35 a.m.

Yeah, we're on the same boat. I'm abusing KTK/FRF boosters so I can branch out into modern with a cheap burn/valakut deck... Thank god for Standard haha

February 26, 2015 6:50 a.m.

gnarlicide says... #5

I used the return to ravnica block to breach to sort of breach into modern. I also got really lucky with timing. At the time, Melina pod was considered budget. So I traded shocks and foil standard staples for fetches and modern cards. And I spent 100 bucks on melira pod. After a few months. And a job promotion later, I played Jund in modern and legacy.

It's difficult to find a willing trader, but they exist. I once traded a couple standard staples for Liliana of the veil. Then later on, some snapcasters and geists turned into some ABUR duals. Patience and a large trade binder can do great things. eBay is also your best friend.

February 26, 2015 7:20 a.m.

slovakattack says... #6

When it comes to alternate languages, It's the foils that are where the money's at. Non-foiled alt. language cards will often only carry a 10-15 dollar price difference, depending on the individual card. Foils, however, can get quite crazy.

If you're going to go into that neck of the woods, be prepared to fight tooth and nail to get a good deal. Be patient. The people who are willing to drop 900 dollars on a foil Russian card are absolute Sharks (which, I suppose, is why they have 900 dollars to drop...) and will use every trick in the book to lowball you. Be careful, be persistent and be patient.

February 26, 2015 7:32 a.m.

mckin says... #7

Printings matter also, while russian non foil fetches are worth a decent amount more bc jap fetches were printed in onslaught, so this was absolute first for russian. Also non foil multiple is generally non existant or very low for most languages

March 2, 2015 9:12 p.m.

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